don't want stretch marks!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Does anyone who what's best to rub into your stomach to avoid the dreaded stretch marks? I'd really like to do what I can to avoid them!! Cheers!
bio oil is brilliant! or cocoa butter i think its called! i left it too late in my 1st pregnancy so all my strech marks are just getting worse now :( x
I hope I haven't left it too late...I feel like I'm getting bigger by the minute lol
i think probably now is when to start using it. I got huge with my daughter as she was big so think thats y i got mine and didnt really realise till it was too late x
I didn't get any with DD and this time round I'm still determined not to, I'm using cocoa butter (I know it's early but I'm being sure!!). There was some info in a booklet mw gave me which said it can be genetic-if your mum got them then your more likely to get them too! Don't know how true this is! Good luck.
I've heard olive oil is good too, but if your going to get them you will!!! Sorry i tried cocoa butter with my first but once i had one they spead like wild fire - i kinda like them now! Was bigger before i got pregnant ths time so hoping not to get any new ones, but my tummys started itching already! 19 weeks on thursday!
palmers cocoa butter is the best. Iv used it mornin and night since they day i found out i was pregnant (you can never start too early) im nearly 27 weeks but my bump is massive, im measuring 4cm over, and i dont have on stretch mar :)

I didnt get my stretch marks until really late when bubs does all that late growing and I used Bio Oil every single day. There's not much you can do to avoid it i dont think, if you're gonna get them its just how things are unfortunately :(
Aww hun :hug: if your going to get them, you will get them, i don't think it makes any difference what you rub on your tummy. Its all about what kind of skin type you have and how big you get i suppose.

I have come to terms with my stretch marks, i even wear a bikini on the beach on my hols. They faid to a silvery colour in time and are less noticable. Stretchies are a sign of motherhood and should be worn with pride :hug: xx
Stretch marks are pants and if they're going to appear they will no matter what you do to avoid them, but using bio oil and/or cocoa butter can help them heal and things. I only know all this because my ex boyfriend had loads love him and he used to take great care of his skin. I've discovered my first stretchmark this week, on my boob!!!!! My first one EVER!!
Im dreading them too. im using bio oil in the hope it MIGHT just help! My boobs are MAHOOSIVE and i havent got any on them yet so the oil might be working
I didn't even consider I might get them on my boobs!! :shock:
BOOBS r the worst place to get them IMO lol x
Someone gave me some Mama mio tummy rub stretch mark butter (and bio oil/coconut butter) and it seems to be quite good. although guess i won't know if it works until after baby born!
My advice would be, boobs, tummy, love handles, inner and outer thighs.. Baby oil when you get out of the shower, and have the odd bath with a load in too
I think itz natural to have stretch marks :) all that effort and bravery going through labour an get a pretty bundle of joy as the outcome but having stretch marks im not going to use anything because i know in time they will fade and will go white so you'll barely see them in time but you will before and after your pregnancy. Try not to worry so much hun :hugs: x
I don't hate my stretchmarks.. They are the marks I have from Odhrán.. But on the inside of my thighs, and in the joints on my legs, I have severe stretchmarks.. They are so big and deep, the ones that annoy me are the ones I can't see:oooo:
Thanks for all the advice, I realise now that if they're going to happen, they're going to happen, and the rate I'm growing.....they're gonna happen! I've just nipped out and bought some Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula though, more in hope than anything! Will try to remember to let you know if I've got any at the end lol!
inky were bout same time for due date :).
I'll be looking for stretch matks to not sure when there suppose to appear lolx
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i've been using bio oil from around 10 weeks!!
Don't know if its doing much good but i make the OH rub it on my back and hips which is relaxing so not going to stop. :lol:

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