Dont know what to do for the best !!

New Member
May 27, 2010
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Hi :wave:

Right, where do I start .... It’s a bit of a long one, so will try & make it as short as possible !!

Towards the end of 2008 I met R, he was brilliant & fell for him very quickly even though he lived 300 miles away he still travelled up every weekend to see me. I knew he liked a drink but just thought that was his personality & didn’t see it as a serious problem.

In March 2009, R asked me to marry him & I said yes as I thought he was the one, still at this time he travelled up to see me & stay in the spare room at my parents house. He told me that he was hoping to get transferred with his job in August, I was made redundant a month before the "move" so I moved down to his place on a temp basis so he could save some money.

But in the meantime, we'd organised loads for the wedding this year.

When I moved in with him, this is when I really found out about him & his problems. He told me that he was in £15k debt & I realised he drank more than most people I’ve known, but he promised me that the debt would be sorted & the drinking was under control.

He didn’t get the transfer & that the move would still happen one day, so I moved all my stuff down & started a new life as a southerner.

We planned to spend Christmas with his family & the day before we travelled over, he got drunk & drove home from the pub, which I was so angry at (when he was 19 he got locked up for D.Driving for 3 months) & asked him not to drink over Christmas. During the drive over he emptied a bottle of Lemonade & put Magners in it so I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Over the next 2 days he drunk & was horrible to me in front of his family, but his families reaction was .... "that's what he's like" & didn’t help me in getting over to him that this was unacceptable.

He did eventually stop drinking & we made our way up to my parents for new year, I’d told my family what had happened & we agreed to have an alcohol free new year & it was a good night.

When we got home, I asked him to seek professional help which he agreed cause I threatened to leave otherwise. He got the medical help & after a few sessions he told me that his counsellor said he could have 2 cans on a Friday & Saturday night, which he did & controlled very well.

He had 1 slip up in Feb, which he was very sorry for & I said if he did it again I would defiantly leave.

The wedding plans were all sorted now & over £3k in deposits paid by my parents & we'd talked about kids & he said that being a parent was something he knows would calm him down, so I eventually agreed & we started trying last month.

We came to my parents a few weeks ago for a birthday party & for now reason whatsoever, he went OTT & drank loads, then went for a 6 mile walk at 6am without telling anyone, when my dad found him making his way back he promised that he hadn’t been drinking & that for the journey home I would drive.

When he was packing the car I found 6 cans had gone missing & found an empty one in the bedroom & I just snapped.......... opened the bedroom window & chucked it at him !!

I went to the car & took my stuff out, so his reaction was to get in & drive all the way home DRUNK !!

I broke down & realised that he'll never change, over the following few days I contacted his counsellor to ask for her advice & it turns out that he hasn’t told her that he's been drinking since the age of 9 when his beloved alcoholic Nan introduced it to him, that he's been locked up, is on anti-depressants & is in debt to his eyeballs.

Her response was, well he needs to be in rehab for a few months.

The following week, me, my dad & best mate travelled down & told him he needs to be in rehab, took my stuff & left.

Since then he moved back with his parents & has got drunk every night to the point where his mum has to check he's not choking on his own sick.

I was happy being single again & had a few plans, until I found out that I’m now 5 weeks pregnant !!

He doesn’t know & I don’t want him to. So I’m now stuck as everything is against me for having the baby, all the hassle it could cause with him, his family.

I really don’t think I could get rid of the baby, but I do not want him anywhere near the baby & cant see how I can have it without him finding out about it.

My family thinks the baby will get his emotional issues & drinking problems & that no future bloke will want a ready made family.

I really don’t know what to do for the best & need some advice !!

Sorry for the long story, I really did try & make it as short as possible !!
:hug: I know it's the last thing you want to do right now after the way he's behaved, but if you want to keep the baby he does have a right to know. It's so hard - but possible with the right support - for an alcoholic to turn their life around, but maybe knowing that he needs to grow up and be responsible if he's going to be a father (even if you're not together) will give him a bit of motivation. If he's staying with family and getting drunk it doesn't sound as if they're being as supportive as they should be. Is he still seeing his counsellor?

It's not true at all that no man wants a ready made family - I know plenty of women with kids who split up with their partners and are now very happy in new relationships :hug:

I hope that he can sort himself out :hug:
You have to do what you feel is right. And i agree with sams mum, i have a nearly 4yo daughter and have a new partner and im expecting his baby. If a man loves you he`ll have you with or without a child. I Really hope you manage to do whats right for you. Good luck x
Im sorry for all the problems that alcohol has caused your relationship, I think you have done the right thing in leaving him. You need to think about yourself first, I don't believe that knowing you have a baby on the way is enough to stop someone drinking - its a serious addiction. You do whats right for you, things have a way of working out :hug: All the best, keep us posted on how you go.
Thanks for your replies.

If me leaving him & cancelling the wedding 7 weeks before isnt enough to stop him then i dont think me being pregnant will either.

I know that getting rid of the baby will get rid of the problems, but I really dont think i can physically do it, but dont want the issues that R will cause should he find out that i'm pregnant.

I've sort legal advice & i have no legal right to inform him he's going to be a father, unless i plan on claiming maintenance from him, which i wouldnt cause i know he wouldnt be able to pay cause he's in so much debt !!

He's been an alcoholic for over 20 years, he's not seeing his counsellor anymore as he was only signed up for 6 sessions & they finished the weekend that things kicked off & from her words, he needs to go to rehab & i really dont think he thinks his problems are that serious, so he'll never be free from his demons.

I have an appointment with a pregnancy counsellor on Tuesday evening to dicuss things, but i have no idea what is the best for me.
i hate to be so blunt...
but it sounds like he will be dead soon anyway if he is carrying on the way he is going

dont worry about the baby getting his demons, they are more a learned behaviour than an inherited one, his old nan being a perfect example of someone 'passing on' their alcoholism by behaviour.

goodluck with whatever you choose - sounds like you have had a tough, tough year and i hope things improve for you i really do xx

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