Don't know if i am cut out for this


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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:cry:Oh ladies i can't stop thinking about last nite oh my god i don't know what i am going to do head recked with worry

Ok so here my stupid story.
Had to babysit my neighbours (friend) little girl last nite. Very thing grand she slept for awhile (was babysitting from 6:30- 11 a.m.) not long i know but anyways she slept for a half an hour then when she woke she made a bit strange with me wouldn't take her bottle cried for a bit. I couldn't even bring myself to change her nappy as i was scared i mite hurt her or not doing it right (haven't changed a nappy yet in my life imagine i am 32 years of age & haven't done one yet) was afraid i would choke her if i gave her to much milk poor thing is getting her first tooth at the moment so not in good form

Anyways i don't know if i am cut out for this motherhood thing if it happens. I haven't a clue what to do. Didn't even know how to make a botle. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me and will it pass when it my own. Head recked all nite and this morning. Sorry for the long post:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Hey Heggie

I am also 32 and have no idea how to change a nappy or make a bottle. I'm presuming someone will show me when the time comes (or failing that, I'll ask my mum/friends with experience!!) I'd also rather not change a nappy before I absolutely have to!! :D

I am also a lot more 'afraid' to hold friends' babies than I was when I was 8 years old and picked up my baby brother without a qualm... kind of like, if you were borrowing a friend's priceless necklace would you be slightly more paranoid about what might happen to it than if you owned it yourself?

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I'm sure it'll all be fine!!

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I was just like you, didn't have a clue and didn't even like other peoples babies! In hospital they show you how to change them, bath them and feed them. A lot of other things you just pick up from instinct. I always find it alot harder with other peoples kids xx
Thank girls

Ya know it different with other people's babies but was so scared it was unreal. Poor girl could have been in her wet nappy all nite wouldn't have changed her thank god her mum came home when she did. Ya suppose it all come natural in the end but it really opened my eyes last nite that's all. Sure here mum was probable in the same boat once apon a time now its no bother to her
I think it is different if it is someone elses child tbh! I also have no idea how to change a nappy or anything about babies, but in a way I am really excited to have to find out when our baby comes along eventually.
Hun do not beat yourself up about it :hug: you aren't born knowing how to do these things, of course it's all learnt through teaching and experience. I only learned because I have lots of younger cousins so my aunties taught me how to deal with them. I am the only one out of my friends that doesn't have children so I have learned from all of them too. There is no way that anyone would expect you to know how to do this without being shown :hug: first bottle I warmed was far too warm and had to be thrown away, first time I changed a nappy I got covered in wee!! It was a joint effort between me and o/h - we both got covered in wee actually :hug: you'll be fine, and you won't be as nervous with your own xx
don't worry, a lot of women are the same, I know I certainly was, when I was pregnant with my little boy I was absolutley terrified that I'd be the worst mum in the entire world. I've been the same on all my pregnancies. I think it's pretty normal, the way my mum put it was "the fact that your worrying about your child already makes you a good mum" I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else, but it gave me a bit of comfort x
I grew up with babies (have a much younger brother and sister) all my friends and older sister have babies so I have been round them loads which you would think is an advantage yet when I am asked to do things like change a bum I still get really nervous .... I think it's not until you become a mum yourself that you really feel confident doing any of those things x
i have a LO whos 3 in March.. i was 19 having her and it all come together quickly..
i supose it has to! my neice is 5 weeks old and im scared when holding her/ feeding her just in case i hurt her..
its defo differnet when its someone elses.. you'll be great.. x
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I'm even older than you and havent a clue. But I'll learn. I'll get a good book, and I think the midwife trains you, and my mum will give unsolicited advice!

I dont think we're ever 'ready' tbh, and it will always be really scary, but we'll get there, I'm sure. xxxx
I think it's always a bit different wiht your own.

I really dislike strangers kids. They so much as sneeze and i'm all grossed out :oooo:

I've seen my friends and families babies use their tongue to wipe their nose and then come to give me a kiss and i couldn't care less :)

You'll be fine. A steep learning curve i'm sure, but don't forget that you'll have classes that you can attend while pregnant to teach you the basics ;)

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