yes call the police and sorry if this sounds harsh it should of been the first ting your SIL did, i understand the fact shes neighbours but still if he does slot of babysitting then keeping him away from her own children isnt enough the next lot he babysits may not get away, this man is obviously a peaodaphile (sp?) and needs reporting, mothers with children have a right to know, I would be livid if I knew someone knew someone was a potential threat and did nothing.
I hope your SIL and her boys are ok i really do feel for her and the boys but the police must be called
call the police immediatley my skin just crawled i was abused as a child he cannot get away with it children are not likley to make stuff like this up especially two of them its really important to be there for them and let them know its not there fault and its good they told her omg i would kill this man it doesnt matter how much issues this will cause he musnt be able to get away with it. sorry im ranting give those boys s cuddle from me and your sil :hug: :hug:
I know Steph.... thats what I told her.

If she didnt call herself I was gonna call them as he need hung drawn and quartered for this. Plus if I hadnt called the police I dont know what I would have done if I see this idiot in the street.

She has neighbours 2 doors down on her side that are good friends of me and brian - he is an ex army sgt of Brians so I have said I will tell them and they will keep an eye on her for us as we live about 40min drive away and that is when there is no traffic.
SarahH said:
I know Steph.... thats what I told her.

If she didnt call herself I was gonna call them as he need hung drawn and quartered for this. Plus if I hadnt called the police I dont know what I would have done if I see this idiot in the street.

She has neighbours 2 doors down on her side that are good friends of me and brian - he is an ex army sgt of Brians so I have said I will tell them and they will keep an eye on her for us as we live about 40min drive away and that is when there is no traffic.

I didnt want to sound harsh there hun and i can understand you SIL's fears but (and sorry to be the barer of sick thoughts) but that guy wouldnt have to step foot into her home if he wanted to get at them and its an awful thought as parents we have to act on these things especially how the world is operating today, the things your see in the news frightens the life out of me and if we can get these people of the streets and away from our precious children then no matter what consequences we have to do it.

Im glad your SIL has people that she can rely on such as you and your husband and some neighbours, poor woman must be in absoloute bits at the minute and having support and people look out for her is something she will need. I really am glad she called and things are happening to sort this out :hug:
I've told her not to let the kids out to play in the front just now... only to let them in the back garden... which you can't get to apart from through the house as it's terraced and the back wall is about 12ft high.
OMG, thats sickening!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
get the police involved and let ur husband batter that sick tw@t Sarah!!!!
Hunny dont tell anyone just yet as if he gets wind of whats going on he could run or have chance to threaten any other victims. Its difficult but the police need to investigate before he's arrested (usually isnt long so dont worry). Also dont ask the kids any questions at all now, wait for the police and SS to ask. Thing is if your sis starts asking things they could say the kids have been prompted which could be used as a defense if it went to court. Just sit tight until after the arrest.
OMG that made me feel sick :puke:
What drives a person to do things like that to innocent children?

Im so glad your SIL has phoned and there is someone coming round!
I cant imagine how either of you must feel!

I really hope they chop that twats dick off, lock him up and throw away the key!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
so pleased she took action, hopefully they can now stop this *insert sufficient banned word here* before he abuses any more poor children.

I would also like to say its a testament to your older nephew that he knew to stop him and lock the door, the younger boy is lucky to have such a brave big brother!

Please let us know how it goes today my thoughts are with you all :hug:
so glad you have phoned the police/social services hun - you are doing the right thing, you and your SIL

hope he gets locked away for this - slime ball!!!!!!!

:x :x :x :x
really pleased to read you have done the right thing,, well done.. :hug:

lets hope he gets the key thrown away now :evil:
Sorry to hear that this has happened at all......glad your sis has called & reported him. I hope they throw away the key..i don't understand why some people are so sick to do such a thing :puke:

I hope your nephews are okay Sarah first & foremost, and love to you & your sis for dealing with it in the right way :hug:
That is awful, your poor sister and her children! She must really want to do that guy some damage,I know I would!! Glad she has reported it ASAP! These people need to be identified and dealt with swiftly!
Thats me back from my SIL - the police ans SS were still there when I left but they wouldn't let us in while the questioning was going on and Arianna was getting grumpy, so I just came home.

Will let you know whats happening once my SIL calls me later.

Thanks for all your support ladies

CALL THE POLICE, soory i have just seen this hun i hope everything turns out ok it is so terrible :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Only just seen this. What a sick twisted tw*t :shock: Im glad she has called social services, she's done the right thing :)
Oh my God, thats awful. I'm so glad the police are involved, this boy needs to be locked up, he will only carry on doing this sort of thing to other poor innocent children.
I'm glad your nephew said something, this will hopefully help with any psychological problems he has in the future about what happened, hopefully that was the first time :pray:

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