Done a clear blue digi now really worried


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2012
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Hi everyone, I should be 4 weeks and 3 days but my clear Blue digi is still saying 1-2 weeks. I dont understand why it's not increasing. Ive already had two miscarriages and an ectopic now I
Really worried this ones going wrong too. Has this happened to anyone else and it been ok? :-(
Maybe its broke? Mine said 2-3 when i was 5 because thats how it works, I'm not sure, ring your midwife?
Did u work the 4 weeks out by first day of last period? Mine said 1-2 when I was 4 weeks. Maybe u ov bit later? Sorry can't be much help Hun
1-2 weeks on a digi means 3-4 weeks. Maybe you ovulated later or it is right with you saying your 4 weeks? Xxx
Thanks for your replies I was doing ovulation tests so i know I ovulated on the 22nd June. Just don't think this is a good sign, my hcg levels are obviously really low again :-( I can't get to the docs today will try and go tommorow xx
Hiya the clear blue test shows the weeks since conception which 1-2 would be about right if your period was 4 weeks ago, but you would still be 4 weeks pregnant xx
It sounds spot on to me Hun but if your worried I'd speak to someone. It's understandable due to your past. Hope your ok x
Thanks but unless I am not working this out right which I'm probably not I thought I should be 5 weeks on Thursday. I've read so many other posts where women get bfps at 13 or 14 dpo with a 2-3 weeks reading. I know I'm extra paranoid because of my last three but really don't think I can bare a fourth miscarriage. Guess I will just have to wait and see. Does anyone know how high your hcg levels have to be to get a 2-3 reading? Sometimes I wish these digi tests with conception indicators didnt exist but I can't stop myself from doing them :-( x
I had 1-2 from 4-5 weeks as well and then 5+ something went to 2-3 and later 3+ and I am fine :) don't quote clear blue - they are not amazing when it comes to saying how many weeks - they are only something silly like 55% accurate. Xx

My friend did a clear blue when she was pregnant and it said 1-2 weeks when she was actually 8! Her little girl is fine. I wouldn't worry too much hunni xx
Thanks for your replies, that makes me feel a bit better. I Just wish the next few weeks would hurry up. I hate this waiting game :-( xxx
The digi tests calculate from conception where as your pregnancy is actually counted from your LMP (first day of your last period). This is because conception actually takes place around 2 weeks after your period. If the digi is showing 1-2 weeks you would actually be more like 4 (maybe more depending on implantation).
It's all very confusing but your dates sound right to me - so congratulations! :)
I bet if you read the fine print somewhere on the instructions it will tell you it's not 100% accurate xxxxxxxx
The conception indicator isn't that accurate (I think about 80%) and even though you know when you ovulated you can still be out by a few days - depending on implantation.

Please don't panic yet!

I do think due to your history you should ask your GP for some qualitative blood tests to ensure your hCG is rising.

Best of luck

did u use fmu? if u weed too late, it may have been diluted? xx
Well I'm 11 weeks and I got a 2-3 last week!!! Doc says everything is good so I guess it just happens sometimes x I know it's hard but try not to worry x
Wow ok so they don't sound very accurate at all. I didn't use fmu do it could of been diluted. I don't really have any symptoms except slightly sore boobs but have had no spotting yet so hopefully this one will be ok. Fingers crossed. Thanks everyone for your replies xx
I've had no symptoms either. Been prodding my boobs and trying convince myself I feel sick but I actually feel pretty good - and it feels weird. But we'll be fine :) xx

Glad Im not the only one lol. I've been doing the same but boobs are only slightly sore when I poke them hard enough haha and apart from that I feel nothing. As weird as it sounds I want to feel sick. At least I would feel pregnant then. How many weeks are you? x
You're definitely not! ;) we just need to consider ourselves lucky an enjoy it while we can! I get an occasional gag when I brush my teeth and boobs possibly might be slightly tender when I proper poke them but that's probably why lol. I am 6+6 now and the time is draaaaaggggggiiiing... I am so glad I booked my scan for next week, no idea how I'd cope otherwise haha.

Started calorie counting to make sure I stay on track and don't gain too much and just generally keeping healthy and positive (as much as I can!)

Is it your first child? xx

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