Dog/RSPCA question


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I'm just wondering if anyone knows anything about RSPCA policies? Where I live there's a house on the corner that is 4 flats and the back yard that belongs to the flats is next to our garden. They have a high fence around the garden with diagonal slats that can be easily seen through. Anyhoo, every day from morning-around 7.30-to evening-around 5pm-someone leaves their dog in the yard. It's friendly but STINKS and on sunny days there's no shade for him and when it's raining there's no shelter. The owner picks up any dog poo at the end of the day but the dog is constantly pacing up and down and immediatly will come over to the fence and be basically begging for attention. I feel really sorry for it, it never gets walked and has no food throughout the day. Does anyone know if I can do anything about it? It's quite skinny too. I just hate to see a dog like this!
You'd be best off ringing up the RSPCA and explaining hun xx
TBH RSPCA will probably only speak to the owner and tell them they need shelter for the dog outside. If hes too underweight for his breed then they would obviously take further action but seems hes being taken in at night they usally only talk to the owner. But id ring the rspca anyway and ask them what they think as its not fair on the dog if hes being neglected. x
even if the resoult is "just" a shelter then thats better then anything x I got a neighbour that have 2 staffs in a 1 bed flat and i have NEVER seen them been walked our even outside as they dont have a garden.. its horrible..
Tbh you'd be better contacting your local council and speaking to environmental health and their dog warden for your area. X
Thanks guys, I'm going to phone RSPCA and council. My only worry is that the owner will know it's me and that will cause problems but I'll request anonimity and hopefully they'll respect that x
they'll defo respect anonymity! i'd say they'd say they need some shelter out there, but aslong as theres water there i dont think they can do much! defo worth speaking to them tho!
RSPCA cant do a lot if the animal has clean shelter, clean water, and fresh food regularly.
It might look skinny, but unless its actually emaciated, they cant interfere except telling the owner to feed it more. Also it could be the dog has worms, so is being fed but just needs a vet visit that the owner wont pay for.

Shelter wise, Its brought in at night, so again they could say something, but its not a huge thing.

Envireomental health wont do you much good unless you know the dog is infesting a house with fleas and there are children, or its defecating in the house and thats not being cleaned up.
I'm still going to contact RSPCA, ok they might not be able to do anything but then again they might be able to do something. IMO it's better to phone them and take the chance of them saying there's nothing to be done rather than leave it when there might be something to be done iyswim.
Of course! Better safe than sorry :)
I would do the same.

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