Does you OH smoke?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
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..... I don't but mine does, he's tried to give up twice before I was pregnant but not been able to do so.

I have been doing some reading up and came across some research by FSID about smoking and new borns (basically it's bad even if you smoke outside - I mentioned it to him and he got really cross with me. Says he can't understand why I said that it was dangerous for LO and that he's not giving up!!!!

At the moment he smokes while stansing at the lounge window (which I hate) and he says the flat doesnt smell and it isn't casuing damage, but I disagree.

Any tips on how I can encourage him to give up?

Well he wont be able to smell it because smokers dont. How about getting him to read the article. My OH doesnt smoke but his mum does and when she has babysat i can smell it in the house even though she goes outside x
Yes mine does and he has been told by every body including the midwifes, doctors and family etc how bad it is. His response is "it doesnt do any harm as I smoke outside". WTF, its all over your clothes, I can smell it and if I can smell it, I am breathing it in which is just as bad for baby as if I was smoking myself. He isnt interested and will not give it up.
My hubby smokes, and I have for over 20 years and I stopped totally when I was 6 weeks pg. I thought I would never give up, never had the inclination to, and now I get so mad at him for not even trying. He doesn't smoke in the house or in the car if I'm in it but he reeks and it makes me vomit. I've tried ultimatums but it doesn't work :(
Mine does, he smokes hanging out of the bathroom window! He set a quit date of 20th Dec when we found out (2 months before due date). He informed me today when he got home from work he is quitting on Tuesday! He bought lots of fags when we were away on holiday (we found out whilst on holiday) and he is on his last pack. So proud of him :)
My hubby smokes but says he will give up when baby is born. I really support him but I find it hard to believe he will just stop all together especially with stresses, strains and lack of sleep from baby. Smoking round baby scares me. Although he only smokes outside. They say a smoker should not hold a baby or go near it for 20/30 mins after having a smoke as he will still be exhaling fumes. Also the risks of cot death are increased. :-( xx
Tell him he's smoking over 4000 chemicals everytime he has one that even though he will smoke outside if baby breathes it in it can cause cot death and cause asthma in a child show him lungs of smokers if that doesn't work tell him he has to choose between gags or you and baby hope that helps xxx
Just realised how lucky I am! My DH smoked before I got pregnant, and gave up as soon as we got our BFP! I couldnt believe it! He's been great since, had a couple at our wedding after a drink, but that I can live with. If they know how serious it can be then maybe that will give them the incentive to give up. Hope you guys get it sorted, hugs,
I'll keep trying.....

Thanks for the tips girls xx

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