Does this sound right?

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
I can no longer get SMP from my work as i was off sick for a while and so my earnings from the last 15 weeks (which they use to work it out) were under the threshold.

Looking at MA I can provide 13 weeks of payslips of my choice from the last 66 weeks and they don't have to be consecutive. So if i gave them the higher ones i'll get more MA.

Does that sound about right?

- i used to occasioanlly do a full week rather than just part-time so sometimes i got paid a fair bit more
MA u will get 90% of whatever u get a week or £112 - whichever is lower

So if u send your highest paid weeks then u might not get more money as if it is more than £112 then they will just give u £112

I'm having to claim too as I haven't been there long enough to qualify for SMP.
OMG have u seen the size of the form!!
I did it using the downloadable one so it was all neat but OH MY GOSH there are pages and pages and pages. It's used all my ink and i'm gonna have to get the bloody letter weighed (or stick a few stamps on it) as my 13 payslips take up so much room!!!!!
hehe, my HR sent me a letter today with my MATB1 returned and that other form there too so that was handy. I get paid weekly. Lol.
I've decided i'll drop the form in my hand, save on postage and it'll get there quicker! lol

my mum looked at the form, gave my laptop back to me and wished me luck. Lmao.

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