Does this mean he's coming out of naps in the day?


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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For the past few days ive noticed LO hasnt been wanting sleeps. Yesterday he stayed awake all day although hes been getting tired from bout 5pm but i have to try and keep him awake till 6 as thats his usual bed time routine!

This is how i go with the flow: If he has a sleep around 11am or maybe 12pm he will have an hour and wont wake up mardy however if he goes past that time with no sleep say about 3ish he will wake bout 5 and be as mardy as ever!!

But then he seemed to do it where by 2pm he'll get grumpy but wont take an afternoon kip i tried twice to put him down for a nap nooooo he just cried :shock:. So i keep him awake an hes mardy and if he sleeps at 5ish in the afternoon i cant get food down him an hes mardy as anything and hes in bed again by 6 and sometimes sleeps till 7ish in the morning if not teething else hes up earlier.

Yesterday he wouldnt sleep after 12ish so i let him stay awake till he got tired an i had to keep him awake after 5 and he was ready to be sleep by 6 he zonked :) lol. I know hes only 1 and a half but i dont know if hes slowly coming out of his sleep??? cos his routine has now gone out of a shape.

im sometimes frustrated cos his afternoon kips were to recharge his energy aswell as my own but now hes constantly fighting but at night time before sleeps hes happy to go bed whats this all about lol :S. sorry bout the long post :roll: x
Maybe try and delay the Nap by an hour but then put him
Down even if he's not displaying signs of tiredness? HE prob still needs a nap, but maybe a bit later on in the morning?
when my lo turned 1 he dropped his naps, just to one a day and goes to bed at 6.30 ish, i dont let him sleep after 4 pm that way by 6 he is deffo ready for bed. Even now when i dont think he is tired i put him in his pram after lunch with dummy, and usually after ten mins or so hes fast asleep, i would prob just chose the time that u want him to nao and try it out? I think as they get older they deffo sleep less during the day. Hope u get into a good nap routine asap! Goodluck!
When my eldest LO was teething she was an absolute nightmare her whole day & night routine went out the window, I remember her being as demanding as the newborn stage, it takes a while but you'll get back into a routine & i'd say all babies up til age 3 need a nap during the day even if its just an hour.

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Ahh bless him, I would go for one nap, but as someone else said later than he used to, as he should need something to keep him topped up. My lad Devon only has 2 x 30 min naps , but if he misses one he is a right stroppy git all day long
Tegan has started having 1 nap at about 1.30pm for an hour if im lucky she'll have a bit longer but that's it x
H has a nap around 12.30-1pm and usually has about 2 hours he loves his sleep and becomes really wobbly when he doesn't and grouchy!i try to get him to have a sleep otherwise he will do about 3 then won't go to bed till after 8! He goes to bed normally between 7-7.30 as oh gets home at 6.30 so gets some time with him when he gets in from work!
so today i let him have breakie feed him up abit and he wasnt getting tired about from 10 - 12ish so i decided to give him a bath and after about an hour he started getting tired and slept for a good 2 hours :D. sometimes he will sleep in the day and sometimes he will purporsly stay away he would winge when i tried putting him down if he was overly tired so leave him for 15 mins an if hes still crying an standing in cot id get him down an he would be wingey but wouldnt give in.
its just some days he will sleep some days he dont so i didnt know if he was coming out of his naps. he used to a routine in bed by 6/6:30 now but he had a late sleep say like 2/3 he will sleep till bout 5ish an still be grumpy give him some food drink an still hoggin the blanket and then he would be ready to sleep by 6 again i tried keeping him up till half 6 as hes older but hes loves his sleep. if he has a 11/12 sleep mid morning hes bright as a button if its bout 3ish an has an hour an half hes well grumpy. i cant get him out the 6pm sleep at night as since the time change its been harder to keep him up later. i dont understand it all tbh lol x

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