Does it mean...


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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That my baby is really bi or heavy by the fact I am feeling hard kicks from baby already. The kicks have been strong for a couple of weeks now.

Only ask because peopl wither don't believe me when I say I can feel kicks or they say it a bit early.

Fact is I feel them a lot at night and usually mid afternoon... Really hard kicks. We can see my skin press up with the kicks and DH has felt them too!
Sorry to go on but people have made me feel like I need to justify myself.
I can't see tickers so don't know how far along you are but you could see my tummy moving from 18 weeks from the kicks and baby isn't overly big or heavy, though we were told that he's a tiny bit heavier but that's only based on his measurements at 20 week scan x
hmmm for the past few days i have had some hard movements but not seen my stomach move although when i was around 18 weeks my fella felt the baby move over when i was asleep so its hard to say.
i was getting little kicks from about 15 weeks and the midwife wouldn't believe me im now 19 and it feelss like im getting flicked. Everyones different so if you feel/see it then it's true x
I am 18 weeks 5 days. I have quite a small frame so I have been told that there probs isn't much room in there for baby hence all the movement I am feeling.
yeah id say its pretty normal to feel hard kicks from then, mine have just developed into pretty hard ones at 22 weeks, not far from you really, theyre only gonna get harder as time goes on! x
yeah don't worry what people say, you can feel what your feeling now easily. lots of ladies are late to feel them, or have placentas being anoying in the way. Everyone is different, so they cannot judge you based on their pregancys, even if they have had more than one. Enjoy the kicks - it's a lovely stage
I managed to film my "proof" this evening. Posted it on a new thread, took forever to find a way of getting it on here! Lol

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