does it get "safer" to co-sleep? - updated pg2


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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i wouldnt dare do it now... but is there a certain age where it becomes less dangerous or risky for baby to sleep with you??
I always wonder this, I always assume it's when they are about a year old but that isn't based on anything other than whats in my head lol.

Like the name change!! :hug:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
I always wonder this, I always assume it's when they are about a year old but that isn't based on anything other than whats in my head lol.

Like the name change!! :hug:

ohhhh is it that long away!? lol
I dunno Kim, sorry. I answered your question but I really don't have a clue :lol:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
I dunno Kim, sorry. I answered your question but I really don't have a clue :lol:
you're no good :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:

only joking lol.. its so tempting to fall asleep with them now but i wouldnt dare... cant wait til i can do it without worrying :D
I'm not sure if there is a actual "alright" date for it to be honest.

I sometimes take her in with me when Brian is offshore (like I did last night :D ) and I just put a pillow down the side of the bed so she can't roll out.
jaylas been our bed since she was about 3 months. we put pillows around her.
but shes going in her cot next month, i like having her in our bed! x
Dont know when it starts to be safe but we had no choice but to have Maddison in with us for first few weeks coz she just wouldnt settle away from me. She stays in her cot in her own room now which we did really early (about 2 months old) but I take her into bed with me in morning for a cuddle :wink:
When they are big enough and aware enough to smack the crap out of you if you start to squash them maybe?

I don't know really though.

Alex sleeps with us. He snuggles up to me and uses me as dinner and a pillow rolled into one lol. Last night I got out of bed to go to the bathroom, and I came back to find him snuggled up to DH. According to DH, Alex had started feeling about for me with his arm, and when he couldn't find me, he gravitated towards DH and got comfy under his armpit lmao.

He soon started protesting though when he realised that no milk was coming from DH haha.
When they start holding their head comfortably moving about a bit you may feel happier about co-sleeping but I wouldn't describe it as 'safer'. There really aren't many risks at all associated with co-sleeping with a baby of any age, as long as you follow the guidelines. You'll know if & when it feels right. :hug:
both of mine slept with me since day one, i stopped at about 3 months tho as i didnt want to get into 'bad habits' :lol: although, ryan sometimes has a sneeky kip with me :)
When they are big enough and aware enough to smack the crap out of you if you start to squash them maybe?

Joseph's been kicking the crap out of me since I was 20 weeks preggers lol

He is now able to rip my face off, kick me VERY VERY VERY hard, slap me in my face, pull my hair and gauge my eyes out.

4 months old............................ :shock:
I do fall asleep with ellie in bed, i wudnt have darred at first but ive somehow become a bit more confident & know i wont roll on her etc... the only thing that scares me is what if the quilt goes over her head :?
Same age as cot death reduces apparently...funny that :think: you'd be better not co sleeping with leah as you bottle feed, which increases the SIDs risk where co sleeping is you won't risk getting into bad habits like me. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
well last night i tried co-sleeping.. i laid leah on top of my quilt in her sleeping bag so there was no risk of covers going over face, and i pulled the cot right up next to the bed so if she suddenly grew the strength to move to the edge of the bed then she would have fallen into her cot! lol
i also wedged a pillow under me so there was no way i could roll onto her (i know that i wouldnt anyway), and i had the best nights sleep ever.
she slept from 10.30pm until 4 this morning! i was well impressed, and it was so much easier to get her back to sleep.
:cheer: :cheer:
aww thats brilliant :cheer: Your so lucky to have gotten over your fear, sometimes all I want to do is get Jack into bed with me for a big cuddle all night but I get too scared, i know its daft lol :hug:
Leif has been in and out of my bed since he was born, but the last few weeks he has only slept in our bed, he will no longer sleep in his cot, so i would suggest that if Leah is happy to sleep in her cot then keep at it cause once they are in your bed they wont get out. I'm so tired cause i cant sleep properly when he is in our bed.
Well done Leah! (and Kim!)

When Mhairi wakes at 5/6ish am I bring her in with me. She then sleeps for another hour or two and it's bliss having that baby cuddle!


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