Where to sleep

ok i dont want any of yous taking this the wrong way ok but feel i have to say it...lol

Is there really a right and wrong way?? every child and every parent is different. I had adele in her room the first day she came out of hospital (she was 3 months old at this point so i felt i had to) we did have angel care baby monitors with the mat and if they dont move in 10 seconds the alarm would go off (thankfully everything was ok but i still used the monitors right up will she was 2. some people said i was mad for doing it but it put my mind at rest.

Colby were taking a different aproach as when adele was born she was in hospital for 3 months and now we have colby we have had her home on day 2 so i guess its a bit new to us, Colby is now 4 weeks old and hasl slept all through the night 3 nights in a row so im hoping to put her in her own room in the next 2 weeks.

As for having them in the bed beside you i will be honest with u all on my experience, we brought adele into our bed ONCE while she was teething she had been screaming all night so i brought her in and she fell fast asleep and me being silly i just left her. Next night she was screaming again so i went through to pick her up and give her a cuddle and she stopped untill i put her back into her bed then she would scream again. It took me 3 weeks to get her to sleep all night in her own bed again but as i say every child is different and every parent is different at teh end of the day mothers always know best what is right for there child.

hope i havent upset anyone but just felt had to put that in sowwy :doh:
Weestar how is that going to upset anyone?

Everyone has been saying do what suits you and your baby, there is no right and wrong way. The only way people will get upset if if you imply no-one has been saying that!
Weestar your not upsetting anyone!

You are upsetting me though as your little girl is doing sooo well and sleeping through!!!!! :D

L x
Hi i didnt think i would upset anyone but im just the sort of person who thinks i may upset anyone so i thought i would put that at the top before i put the rest.

Lisa did you try keeping your little one awake and if so how did it go?
speak to u all soon xxx
I took Heidi today for her first set of injections and then the nurse peeved me a bit - she said that I needed to watch out for any fever and I asked if it was likely she would get a fever in the middle of the night as she is not in the same room as us, and she looked at me like I was some kind of evil mother and said " I recommend she is in your room" - so, now I dont know what to do.

I have been having thoughts recently of moving her back to our room (only after what I have read about how cot death risk increases at ages 2-4 months and that they regulate their breathing by sleeping in your room) But I deep down, I dont really want to do that cos we have already made the move and I know that she is less disturbed by us and our dog......

So here I am tonight not knowing what to do! She's asleep in her bouncy chair at the moment so I am considering just laying on the settee for tonight :roll:

L x
Personally Lisa I would do what you usually do. The nurse probably had to say what she did as it is the recommendation and they have to advise we follow these. It is obviously working so put Heidi in her cot and go and have a good nights sleep. If she feels unwell during the night she will cry out for you and you will hear her. Try not to worry too much xx
Thanks Beanie - its just sooo hard though to stick with your own decision in case, god forbid something did happen I would never forgive myself.

D/H has just bought the quilt down :roll:

L x
How is she at the moment, does she have a fever??
No! She is absolulty fine. She's a bit constipated but thats all. If anything she feels cooler than normal.

I'm so fed up I've eaten half of D/H's easter egg lol - then put the foil on the other half so he doesnt know until he opens up the box

She is due for a feed now (11.00) so I dont know whether to wake her or just get down on the sofa with my quilt and sit it out! What a nightmare I am! lol

L x
I knoe exactly how you feel hun, what did your mum used to do with you? we were always in our own room and thats what helped with a lot of my decisions is thinking to how we were brought up and that we are fine x
Awww Lisa you have made your decision based on what you feel is best for your baby...don't worry :)

Have you thought about getting one of those video camera monitors? They were only 40 quid and it sounds like you might benefit from the peace of mind.
Have only just caught up with this thread.

I have had Damien in my room from day one, for one, I always thought having a baby in you room was the best idea until they were about 6 months old at least (although have never been advised by HV or MW the specifics of why this is a good idea, thi was just my own belief), secondly, he has had alot of problems and I feel the need to be close to him, and thirdly, I am just not ready to let my baby go!!

I love being so close to him and hearing him breathe/cough/wriggle, it makes me feel assured that he is okie and still breathing. he is as much of a comfort to me as I am to him.

To be honest, if I put him in his own room I don't think he would be that bothered. He cries half the time when he wakes up anyway no matter where I am or where he is when he sleeps.

I have shared a bed with Damien on many occasions, he lays on my bare chest whilst I'm layed on my back, his tummy to my tummy. (this actually helps babies to breathe better as proved in SCBU's everywhere - it's called Kangaroo care). He also sometimes sleeps next to me with cushions stopping him from rolling. I am so aware when I sleep that if he move I instantly wake up. I used to be a heavy sleeper - music could be playing full blown and I'd still sleep! - but now I am much more alert to my surroundings.

I guess each parent does it differently, but for me this works, and it works for Damien too. As long as you are not causing your baby harm, then carry on. :D
I want to put Eva in her own room when we get back from greece in the summer when she is 6months old (because then she will be out of her routine then). She sleeps next to me in her moses basket at the minute. I bring her into bed for feeds and then put her back in her cot. Sometimes I bring her into the bed at around 6am for a cuddle. I either lie her on my chest or prop her on a pillow so she can't roll off and tuck the quilt under sort of thing so it wont go over her. If i do put the quilt over her legs I make sure she is really high up the bed so it cant reach her face. I'm aware of every noise and movement she makes anyway.

everyone knows their own child and what is best for them i think xx
urchin said:
Have you thought about getting one of those video camera monitors? They were only 40 quid and it sounds like you might benefit from the peace of mind.

I did think of getting one of those but didnt see the point as I am such a heavy sleeper I wouldnt wake up to keep checking. Plus when I am awake I hear absoultly everything on the monitor.

I have now moved her into our room (1st night last night) and Im going to do a different post on it - cos I am replying to loads of different ones at the moment! - my fault for waffling on about the same subject in different topics!!!! :roll: :)

L x

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