ok i dont want any of yous taking this the wrong way ok but feel i have to say it...lol
Is there really a right and wrong way?? every child and every parent is different. I had adele in her room the first day she came out of hospital (she was 3 months old at this point so i felt i had to) we did have angel care baby monitors with the mat and if they dont move in 10 seconds the alarm would go off (thankfully everything was ok but i still used the monitors right up will she was 2. some people said i was mad for doing it but it put my mind at rest.
Colby were taking a different aproach as when adele was born she was in hospital for 3 months and now we have colby we have had her home on day 2 so i guess its a bit new to us, Colby is now 4 weeks old and hasl slept all through the night 3 nights in a row so im hoping to put her in her own room in the next 2 weeks.
As for having them in the bed beside you i will be honest with u all on my experience, we brought adele into our bed ONCE while she was teething she had been screaming all night so i brought her in and she fell fast asleep and me being silly i just left her. Next night she was screaming again so i went through to pick her up and give her a cuddle and she stopped untill i put her back into her bed then she would scream again. It took me 3 weeks to get her to sleep all night in her own bed again but as i say every child is different and every parent is different at teh end of the day mothers always know best what is right for there child.
hope i havent upset anyone but just felt had to put that in sowwy
Is there really a right and wrong way?? every child and every parent is different. I had adele in her room the first day she came out of hospital (she was 3 months old at this point so i felt i had to) we did have angel care baby monitors with the mat and if they dont move in 10 seconds the alarm would go off (thankfully everything was ok but i still used the monitors right up will she was 2. some people said i was mad for doing it but it put my mind at rest.
Colby were taking a different aproach as when adele was born she was in hospital for 3 months and now we have colby we have had her home on day 2 so i guess its a bit new to us, Colby is now 4 weeks old and hasl slept all through the night 3 nights in a row so im hoping to put her in her own room in the next 2 weeks.
As for having them in the bed beside you i will be honest with u all on my experience, we brought adele into our bed ONCE while she was teething she had been screaming all night so i brought her in and she fell fast asleep and me being silly i just left her. Next night she was screaming again so i went through to pick her up and give her a cuddle and she stopped untill i put her back into her bed then she would scream again. It took me 3 weeks to get her to sleep all night in her own bed again but as i say every child is different and every parent is different at teh end of the day mothers always know best what is right for there child.
hope i havent upset anyone but just felt had to put that in sowwy