Does/did your LO put everything in their mouth?

Harrison was putting everything in his mouth but recently he's started picking things up and bringing them over to me haha but if he does put things in his mouth when I put my fingers in to get it out he (im sure on purpose lol) bites down on my fingers as hard as he can with an evil look in his eyes haha :lol: he has 6 teeth now too so it bloody hurts lol :lol:
Obviously not now.. but Tia put everything in her mouth... it got to the point I could identify anything that belonged to us... because if it didn't a gelatinous glob of baby spit encasing it.... it wasn't mine. :rotfl: :rotfl:

all kids do this at some point !!! Kiara did it all the time and the very odd time now but since she turned arund 1 she gives us anything shes not suppost to have or throws it in the garbage on her own ... so cute!!

yeah alana did it too, but since she choked im soo much more carefull, not going through that experience again. emergency surgery to remove a peanut from her lung :( :( :(
laura & ellouise said:
My bam is exactly the same, especailly when she is teething but thats for chewing...

I was told its something to do wtih its the most senstive part of the body and that they discover everything with there tongue at this stage due to that..

or something lol

That's absolutely right. You can't stop a baby from doing it, it's just following instict. Be VERY careful not to leave anything small lying around. You have to be extra vigilent.

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