Does anyone know whats happening ? *updated* :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Hi All, I got my long awaited BFP two weeks ago, but last weekend i started getting pains in my right side, i went to the docs on tuesday, she suspected an eptopic so sent me straight to the hospital, they took bloods and did an internal to check for bleeding. They said if my bloods were over 1000 they could do a scan. I rang that night for the results and they were 5700 so i went in the next day for my scan, there was a tiny sac but it was empty the sonographer said it looked like i was only 4 weeks so was too early to see anything (the docs dated me at 6 weeeks - but it has only been 4 weeks since i ovulated). So they sent me home and i had to go back yesterday for more bloods as they said in a healthy pregnancy my bloods should double every 48 hours. I went back yesterday and my bloods were 7000 and something (cant remember the exact amount), they have said i have to go back again tomorrow for more bloods. Has anyone has a similar experience or know what all this means, they dont tell me anything at the hospital and this not knowing is driving me mad ! I just want to know that bean is ok and in the right place ! Sorry for the long post, any advise would be appreciated. xxx
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Sorry hun i dont share you experience but ot sounds good your bloods went up? I hopee ur bean is ok sweety xx

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Sorry your going through alk this worry xx

I haven't got the stats but they have like a guide as to what your hcg levels should be every 48 hours and if it's lower then sometimes it can indicate a mc.

Having said that a friend of mine had a similar hcg problem to begin with and now she has a gorgeous baby. So fingers crossed for you xxx
Hi sweetly, I don't share your experience either, but as Lynette says, it's good news that your bloods have gone up and by quite alot. Fingers crossed for you and keep us posted :hugs: xx
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Thanks for the support ladies, ill be sure to keep you updated. I cant believe this is happening, I wait so long for that BPF then this happens its so cruel. xx
Im sorry you have to go through this! Hope it turns out ok in the end for you honey! Xxx
Hi ladies, well i went back yesterday for my third blood test ! The results were 11626, so not doubled from Thursdays (7535) but have gone up quite a lot, the Nurse wasnt very positive about it though
! I now just have to wait till Friday when i go for my second scan too if there is naything there. Im praying that little bean is in there and is ok xxxxx
Everything crossed for the scan, hopefully the hcg is just being a bit sluggish and everything is fine xxxx
Fingers crossed hunny, tri 1 is such a stressy time, try to relax xxxx
Thank you for the support and encouragement, but I'm affraid its over for me, been for my scan today, the sac had grown but it was still empty, even had an internal scan but still couldn't see anything, I was given some leaflets on how to manage my misscariage, natural, medical or surgical, I'm so upset and confused I don't know what to do, I can't believe this is happening, I've cried more today than I have in my whole life. Can anyone help me make the decision on which method to go for ? :( thanks for reading x x x
So sorry you are going through this. I can't give any advice on which method to manage things but i had an empty sac too and know how devastated you feel. Look after yourself big hugs x
Oh Sara,

This is so sad.

Sorry you have had to go through the agony of waiting and then the grief of a miscarriage.

All my losses have been natural (my first did take 3 weeks from first bleed to actual miscarriage though and the waiting was awful)

I hope whatever you decide you are well looked after

Keep strong

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Im so sorry! I had a natural mc so dont really know about the other options! Take your time and decide what is best for you! Xxxx
Both of my miscarriages were natural. However my friend had a similar experience to you. In the end she opted for surgical because she'd been waiting and praying for over 2 weeks before finally being told there was no baby and didn't feel she could cope with waiting for it to pass naturally. However surgery is surgery and shouldn't be rushed into or taken lightly. So sorry you're having to go through this x
So sorry honey :hugs:
As some of the girls have said, it can be a long wait for things to happen naturally. Surgery always comes with risks, however minimal. If I were in your position I would opt for medical management, but it's a very personal decision honey and only you know what is right for you.xxxx
I have had 2 Mmc's. The first one I opted to let it naturally come away. It was such a traumatic experience for me. I remember the pain is very similar to the very early stages of labour too... When the baby started to come away I found it all very distressing! Three great big lumps came out of me, and each time I felt it, I was devastated!

The second time, I choose to have a D and C. It was a sad day, but I can honestly tell you that had it ever happened to me again, I would pick a D and C over natural. I didn't bleed for as long either, so I could try to put this horrible nasty situation behind me. Obviously, I'm not saying I didn't grieve both times seriously- but at least when I had the D and C I could concentrate on my emotions, rather than the physical side of things.

However, that would be MY decision. I know many women on here have opted to let their babies come out naturally, and would have done anything to avoid surgery. I guess what I'm saying is that you need to make the decision yourself, and all have their cons.

I am so so sorry for your loss! Big hug xxx
When I lost my baby I was faced with the same decision as you.

I was desperate for it to come out naturally and for my body to do its part but for some sad reason it just didn't want to let go. I waited almost a week and I couldn't bear it any longer.

I was really against having surgery like a ERPC or D&C because I don't like the idea of it. I know lots of women choose this option as it is the quickest and most pain free way to have the pregnancy removed and you don't have to deal with experience the 'expulsion' part which some people are desperate to avoid. I didn't like the idea of instruments up there, despite the risks being minimal, and as I don't have other children I didn't want to risk any damage like perforation/adhesions to my uterus which could affect future pregnancies.
I do think the risks of these things happening are very small though and there are lots of ladies on here who have not had issues after d&cs.

I opted for the medical management option, which is a course of medication to speed up your body to expel the pregnancy. It causes the pregnancy to detach from the uterus and the uterus then contracts to rid it from the body. I had to have it in hospital and they monitor what comes away to ensure that no further treatment is needed. It causes quite bad cramping in some ladies (I didn't find it much worse than a bad period tbh though) but they can give you pain killers. It took a few hours and it was expelled and I could go home, I then bled for 2 weeks and it was over.

Good luck with whatever decision you make sweetheart. And be kind to yourself, I know how tough these days are :hug:
Hi Hun,
So sorry for what you are going through, I have had 2 x MC 's recently myself and both times chose ERPC. surgical.

I could not bear the thought of feeling my baby came away from me, I know that you have contractions as I did lose another baby some 19 yrs ago this way, and clearly remember how it felt and the physical and emotional pain.I als then had to have a d and c anyway.

So both times recently i opted for surgical ad I must say it was quick and painless ,you are under so knew nothing about and wake up feeling fine and go home soon after. Bleeding was minimal after.
The emotional pain is overwhelming, for me I did not need any further physical pain or just anything else to go through.
I would def recommend surgical, but it is totally a personal choice for what you think is best.

Good luck with it all anfd let us know how you get on xxxx
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Thanks again for the support ladies, it means a lot to me, I've rung the hospital today and talked things through with them, I have opted for the medical management, I really didn't like the thought of an operation and I couldn't stand waiting for it to happen naturally, so I'm going in tomorrow for a pill then back on Tuesday for the pessaries, I'm dreading it, I've never been in hospital before (apart from last week for blood tests and scans ) I just want this whole nightmare over with now so I can move on :( thanks again for all your kind words x x x
Thanks again for the support ladies, it means a lot to me, I've rung the hospital today and talked things through with them, I have opted for the medical management, I really didn't like the thought of an operation and I couldn't stand waiting for it to happen naturally, so I'm going in tomorrow for a pill then back on Tuesday for the pessaries, I'm dreading it, I've never been in hospital before (apart from last week for blood tests and scans ) I just want this whole nightmare over with now so I can move on :( thanks again for all your kind words x x x

Try not to worry too much hun, I didn't find it that bad really. Take a hot water bottle with you, it can help with the cramps.
I never had the pessaries, just loads of tablets when I first got there at 8am. I had passed it all by 11-30 and was home an hour later.

You'll need some heavy duty sanitary pads as the blood loss is quite a lot to start with. And they will ask you to collect the tissue you pass (I didn't look at it, despite a really strong morbid fascination I had, and I'm glad I didn't look tbh)

I hope it goes ok sweetie

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