We have!
I had a bit of a battle to start with as health visitors wouldn't believe there was anything wrong but when he turned 2 and 4 months we went to a SALT drop in and they ask lots of questions about the speech concerns, feeding, development etc. they give you some tools such as games and things to do at home and will assess if they think therapy is worth having. In our case B did need speech therapy and we had 6 sessions with a therapist (had to wait 6 months) and she visited B at nursery as well. The women was amazing and spotted the issues straight away and would do lots of fun games with B. It helped so much and when we went back for his update they were able to diagnose a speech sounds disorder and B will get more sessions next year to help with pronunciations but he communicates so well now with clear sentences.
Feel free to ask anymore questions Hun, I initially found it a quite distressing but the speech therapist was amazing x