does anyone have a poop book?

Nope I just sit, poop and leave within a couple of minutes :wink: Hubby reads while having a poo though :hug:
DH has the Argos book for when he poops, I have nothing as not in there for long. I have a bath book :lol:
I always read on the loo if doing a poo - I don't like doing it if I'm not reading :oops: - I sometimes read the back of the shampoo bottle or similar if I'm desperate!

OH hates the idea though and won't entertain the idea of having books or mags in the loo - so I have to sneak books etc in with me each time.

Good topic trixi, one I've not seen before!

Valentine Xxx
I bought DH 'Laugh on the Loo' for Christmas from Next.
It's full of jokes, fascinating facts etc.
He always runs round the house looking for a paper before he goes, so
I bought him this to keep in there! I must admit it's really good and i've been spending a
little longer on the bog myself!

I don't, i'm never in there long enough. Though my OH has been known to take his DS in there with him. :roll:
I don't as i find my bathroom too cold to stay in there long lol. My OH takes him mobile in and will play games for about half hour.
I am a quick poo-er, Ewan can spend up to 30 minutes in the loo though and he usually takes his mobile to play games on! :think: There have been a few occasions when my IBS has been bad that I've ended up taking a magazine in with me as I know I'll be on the toilet for a while! :lol:
valentine said:
I always read on the loo if doing a poo - I don't like doing it if I'm not reading :oops: - I sometimes read the back of the shampoo bottle or similar if I'm desperate!

OH hates the idea though and won't entertain the idea of having books or mags in the loo - so I have to sneak books etc in with me each time.

Good topic trixi, one I've not seen before!

Valentine Xxx

OMG... you're me :lol: We have a book called "passing time in the loo" :lol:
kiara usually stands on the other side of thedoor asking me silly questions so i dont have time to readreally.i cant even get peace in the loo! :rotfl: :rotfl:
OH has the 'screwfix catalogue' for when he goes, :wall:
Why did you start this topic?! Within 10 minutes of replying I ended up stuck on the toilet for 30 minutes with terrible IBS!! I had to shout Ewan in to give me a glass of water! Was scared I'd get dehydrated! :rotfl: Thankfully I had a brand new copy of Take A Break to keep me company and try to distract me from the pain! :doh:
You can't beat reading on the loo :cheer:

My Mum has loads of pick me up, chats, teak a break magazines etc... and she always has one in her downstairs loo! I'm usually there for about half an hour until my legs go numb and I have a huge ring on my arse :lol:

At my house i'm never on for that long...maybe thats because I read all my Mum's mags? hmmm...need to my own and appreciate my own loo!
Trix.... some of your threads crack me up!!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
lol love the poll!! :rotfl:
If i'm really into a book i'll take it into the bathroom with me, even if I only need to pee, I tend to use the bathroom as a mini hideaway. I'm usually well off into bookland when I hear a voice shout "are you ok in there?" which reminds me where I am lol.
I'm not reading anything at the minute, but it can be anything. I tend to save magazines for in the bath.
lovin this thread haha
I dont tend to read in the toilet if desparate the back of stuff gets read, shampoo bleach etc... or if my dads left his usual in there read that!
my dad, the creature of habit hunts for the liverpool echo (newspaper) from that day, doesnt matter how desparate he's getting he NEEDS the paper to read... tucks it under his arm puts his slippers on and pegs it up the stairs for his daily 'read' then leaves it in the bathroom when he's done so that when anyone else wants to read it normally (on the couch downstairs) they have to retrieve it from johns throne and get wafts of toilet whilst trying to read!
Im not in there long enough!

I used to share a house with four blokes and they had a huge collection of porn in a magazine rack next to the loo...always used to baffle me..surely they didnt crack one out while pooing? :shock:

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