does anyone else feel like theie midwife is a waste of space???


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2010
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I've had a rough few months and was reassured by my midwife if i needed any advice etc to contact her.

Which i have done but every time ive spoke to her (re: scans i was not offered a 12 week scan because i had one at 9+2 when they found out one of my twins had died, I was told she was referring me to a consultant which i would see around 14 weeks because of the problems my appointment is not till 20 weeks, I've had constant pain which she continually dismisses as stretching because there is no bleeding, and she has completed a total of 2 whole pages of my pregnancy pack, shes not given me any advice re when to book antenatal classes etc)

sorry to rant but i just feel like shes trying to fob me off I had to ring the hospital myself to get my first antenatal clinic appointment as she had just put me down for it to be my 20 week appointment.

i've been to see my dr because of the constant pain and my hips have also been cracking and they said to contact the midwife who told me to take paracetamol.

my oh an I paid for a private 12 week scan because when we asked for one from the midwife she just said 'its not policy and it wont change whats going to happen to the other baby, you'll just have to wait'

sorry again for the long rant just feel poo :(
awww hun :hugs: i do know what you mean, mine has always said i could call at any time if i needed to, and yet in the same breath they are saying how busy they are, that their nearly booked upto 8weeks in advance!!! ive had two appointments now, and at the last it was a different mw to the one i had at booking! she listened to the heartbeat, and told me off for laughing (with relife i might add, as have had nearly no sypmtons was sure something must have gone wrong since 12week scan!)
i really hope you get better treatment as your pregnancy progresses, and so sorry to hear about the passing of one of the twins, wishing you a happy and healthy bundle of joy xxx

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