Does anyone else feel like it never ends?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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I mean seriously, my whole day is washing clothes, washing bottles, sterilising bottles, feeding, changing nappies, picking up dummies, emptying the nappy bin etc etc. It's a wonder I ever get a chance to go anywhere or even cuddle my son! And to top it all off I dropped a nappy "butter" side down on the rug so have had to wash that on my hands and knees this morning. My OH is very good and tidies up and cooks, bloody good job too or we'd never eat lol.

I might go on strike for the rest of the afternoon......after I've washed, sterilised and made up the bottles for this evening and only until Bertie needs feeding and changing in 30 minutes :roll:
Yep! I literally sit here looking around, finding more and more that needs doing! x
I need to win the lottery and get a housemaid lol
I feel the same hun . Us mummy's are always on the go x

Never ending in this house too x
It never ends when you have 2 or more there's even more that need doing as well but it does slow down after a while xx

My washing machine is constantly on, but then there are 6 of us.
You do get into a routine but it is constant! I like it busy though, when I'm home alone it feels quite weird now :) x
It's never ending isn't it? I've never done so much washing in my entire life!
lol im looking at my floor thinking of getting the hoover out, i know im gonna have to wash the dishes from lunch or i'll have a pile later and ive got a bunch of baby clothes and nappies to wash cos we used washables for the day today. ontop of that baby is being clingy and wanting only me to feed her etc.

on another note my mum seems to think im overfeeding alyssa, she said she didnt think she was hungry (she was crying after waking from her nap) and that she already had a big enough belly! fed her an oz and she calmed down and didnt want anymore so its sitting waiting for her as she will want it in an hour or so and if not i will chuck it and make more when she wants it. its cos she wanted to bf half her meal and cried at the bottle til i gave her my boob lol
Yay for bfing! No bottles!

I seriously don't know how you can be bothered, I get annoyed having to do my pump lol!

I kinda space it out. Try and do my washing and cleaning beginning of the week and apart from washing up and maybe a Hoover of we need it, I leave it. Gives me time to take Tyler out or even :shock: watch an episode of desperate housewives with a cup of tea and a biccy while he has a nap at the end of the week!

Ohhh yes its Sooo never ending. I'm on a constant go!

I've forgotten what tea tastes like!

I still cook dinner every night and at set times (my OH is a personal trainer so has a strict eating schedule)- I dunno how I manage it everyday

I keep telling the OH we need to get a cleaner!! And I need a nanny! xxx
I mean seriously, my whole day is washing clothes, washing bottles, sterilising bottles, feeding, changing nappies, picking up dummies, emptying the nappy bin etc etc. It's a wonder I ever get a chance to go anywhere or even cuddle my son! And to top it all off I dropped a nappy "butter" side down on the rug so have had to wash that on my hands and knees this morning. My OH is very good and tidies up and cooks, bloody good job too or we'd never eat lol.

I might go on strike for the rest of the afternoon......after I've washed, sterilised and made up the bottles for this evening and only until Bertie needs feeding and changing in 30 minutes :roll:

Yup - athough OH is always working so i actually dont eat - only sandwiches :(
I'm only just having my tea thomas will be going to bed shortly hubby is out James is in bed 3 loads of washing hoovering polishing and moping the floors plus we've been out for 4 hours today I'm knackered x

I'm ashamed to say - I've hired a cleaner since having Ella!
I can keep up with picking up and putting away, washing, expressing, feeding, washing bottles and pump, keeping Imogen entertained, keeping Ella clean and calm, making dinner etc etc but cleaning the bathrooms, doors, floors and even hoovering and polishing was getting left... And left... And left!

So I hired a fortnightly cleaner! Last Friday was the first clean, and I felt dreadfully lazy whilst it was happening... But it was GREAT afterwards!

Can't wait until they come again!
I'm ashamed to say - I've hired a cleaner since having Ella!
I can keep up with picking up and putting away, washing, expressing, feeding, washing bottles and pump, keeping Imogen entertained, keeping Ella clean and calm, making dinner etc etc but cleaning the bathrooms, doors, floors and even hoovering and polishing was getting left... And left... And left!

So I hired a fortnightly cleaner! Last Friday was the first clean, and I felt dreadfully lazy whilst it was happening... But it was GREAT afterwards!

Can't wait until they come again!

Totally can't blame you for hiring a cleaner, if I had two LO's id be very tempted! x
I have someone do my ironing as there's so much but that's all wish I could find a cleaner I could trust xxx


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