Does anyone else feel down somedays?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Its so silly to feel down when theres so much to look forward to but these hormones make me feel good somedays and low other days. I have to sort of snap myself out of it and try to focus on exciting things. Im never down because of the baby, just down in general for absolutely no reason! Does this last the entire time or will I start to feel better when I bloom? Am I more at risk of post natal depression? I know tomorrow I'll be fine again though.

I've been so tired lately that I've taken to lying in my bed some evenings after dinner and I think thats no helping :think:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Firstly here are some hugs!!!

I know how it feels, I hope you are ok though, some days I feel guilty for feeling so low and down but your hormones are all over the show so I think this is the main factor.

Sometimes going to bed doesnt help, I have started going for walks even though I am shattered and just getting some fresh air makes a huge difference darling!

I dont think it has an effect with post natal depression, I hope not anyway because ill be joinging you!!! :(

Hope your feeling better soon

lillyblue said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Firstly here are some hugs!!!

I know how it feels, I hope you are ok though, some days I feel guilty for feeling so low and down but your hormones are all over the show so I think this is the main factor.

Sometimes going to bed doesnt help, I have started going for walks even though I am shattered and just getting some fresh air makes a huge difference darling!

I dont think it has an effect with post natal depression, I hope not anyway because ill be joinging you!!! :(

Hope your feeling better soon


Thanks lillyblue :hug: Your right. Its nice to know its not just me!
I have been feeling just the same, but as the weeks progress I'm feeling much better and the tiredness is not so bad now.

As for PND I don't think it has any relevance but talk to your MW when you see her next, that always helps me :hug:
firstly :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

secondly yeah, i do, saturday was awesome, i had my scan, bought some pink clothes, then sunday i was totally down, sat in tears for ages thinking how my baby will miss having her daddy around, how i dont think id be a good mum, what if i cant cope etc

speak to your mid wife if youre at all concerned :hug:
Shiney Happy People, I would do as the other advised and just ask the midwife I make take the advise too and as myself because I get myself all worked up about harming the baby!!!

I hope your feeling a little better

This is totally normal hun i still get it now a couple of weeks ago i was having a shower and i just burst into uncontrolable tears hubby heard me and came running in as he thought something was wrong. :oops:
I have also been feeling down recently, but the way I feel down feels quite hormonal - reminds me of when my periods first started early in my teens. I hope it will pass :D

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