Does anybody else still worry?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Over the past couple of week's I've really really started to love my baby, it feels strange to love somebody who I haven't even met yet so much. But whenever I think I think of how much I love her, I worry that I shouldn't get too attatched incase something goes wrong. Even though my pregnancy is low risk and she is nice and healthy, I still sometimes think the worst will happen like still birth or going into labour early and her not surviving. It really upsets me to think things like that, but I cant help it. Anybody else still worrying?
Yep, know exactly what you mean, and believe me, once they're born, it doesn't stop! All part of being a mother I'm afraid! You have this overwhelming love and need to protect them.

If you and your baby have been healthy all along, I'm sure everything will work out fine. You're over the riskiest stage, try to relax and enjoy the end of your pregnancy :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It's natural to worry.
Don't try and stop yourself caring/loving your baby - it's not possible to love something too much!
Whilst i'm sure nothing bad will happen, if it did you'd feel the same no matter how hard you had tried to stop yourself caring so much!

(did that make sense).

I do still get worried moments but then i remember that now the risks are so low and i know what warning signs to look out for.

Things will be ok hunxxxxxxxx
i really worry, watchin corrie last wk probably didnt help and my sister was stillborn so its a touchy subject in our family

i try to put it at the back of my mind tho as worry is the last thing that we need
I worry how i am going to cope whn LO is a teenager! Considereing we are still 10 weeks off the due date it is well premature, but can't stop.

yep, Im afraid it doesnt stop when LO arrives, prob gets worse - sorry!

I always check Jack before going to bed and although it may sound silly, I get little anxiety attacks just stanging there looking at him worrying about him and me and how I couldnt imagine being without him. I have to make sure I leave the room on a positive thought.

I guess its all part of being a mum!

Im sure everything will be fine in your pregnancy and birth, I felt like this with jack. Not so bad this time round but still worry :hug:
Thank's girls :hug:

Glad I'm not the only one worrying. I suppose it wouldn't be normal if I didn't worry. I am going to be sooo over protective when she's born, and probably will be until I die, she will probably hate me for it :roll:
Ye hunny :hug: and ask any Mam in across land with adult children and they will say they still worry about there kids

My Mam says no matter how old i get im still her little baby and she will alway want to know how i am and if im ok

And your being a Mum hunny you love you baby and want the little one to be happy and healthy so its very natural to worry :hug:

I worry if i think i havnt eaten enough one day or if ive bent over to far or lifted something ect ect if ive hurt Collier I worry if i'' be a good Mammy to my baby and provide what he needs and will he love me

all these things prefectly natural to worry about
But i am certain that you and your baby will be fine and you our going to be a fantastic Mummy to a loved happy healthy baby :D 8)

sarah :wave:
I worry a little too, thats why i love the fact she's such a mover.
I didnt worry much during my 12 weeks, i had cramps at the start but i just "knew" she'd stick, then i worried like anything up to 24 weeks, thought i'd be better now but i'm still scared. I keep thinking that when i get to 36 weeks i'll stop cos then i'll know if she decides to come early she probably wont be in hospital for long if at all and if for any reason they have to pull her out the same applies.

I think i know deep down she'll be fine, theres no history of complications in pregnancy in my family, but i love her so much now, and it feels like i've gone through so much fighting the people who didnt think i should keep her, i couldnt bare to lose her now
Me too! I've been worrying too, I'm glad I'm not alone! Group Hug! :hug:

My mum keeps reminding me that even though I'm 33 she still worries about me! LOL
Yes quite normal and like others have already said it doesnt stop when they arrive either in fact it possibly gets slightly worse. I'm dreading my baby coming along because I know i'm going to freak out again over cot death and whatever else is a danger to my newborn. I didnt relax with Joanna and SIDS until she was about 18 months old. Even now I worry constantly about her, will she open the bedroom window and climb out and seriously hurt herself, can she get to the plug sockets, is she at risk of electric shocks because of the plug sockets. I'm also mega over protective of her and hate strangers looking at her or touching her. The other day I picked her up from nursery and was coming out the lift when a little indian boy got in and grabbed her nastily, well I gave that child such a dirty look as if to say how dare you touch my daughter like that and well I know I should have really but it's just me being protective. I got abused as a child, sexually, mentally, physically and i'm going to do anything in my power to try and stop that happening to my kiddies and I'll do my upmost to protect her from bullying too. too.
It's good to hear that I'm not the only one....i don't like thinking something bad will happen to my LO but someimes I can't help thinking...what if....? and then I panic and think how I'll cope without her.

But like others have said I suppose it is just part of being a mum!
I did that all the way through my pregnancy and like alot of mums have said it only gets worse once they are here! I am constantly going over to check on him and make sure he is breathing and that he hasn't kicked his blankets over his face - just silly little things like that!

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