Doctors in UK


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Jul 19, 2006
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I did the test this morning and it shows Pregnant! Can't believe it, not bad for a first try:)

So I went to register with a doctor in my area (moved recently) and they said I have to wait 1 week to see the nurse and then another week to see a doctor. They also said the doctor will not be doing a blood test because the home preg tests are good enough?? Is this standard in the UK (I'm from South Africa). This is my first pregnancy and I'm a bit scared, they're not very helpful here and don't give me much info??

Anyone else had the same problem?
Veels geluk!

Yes when booking in with GP its about a week then you'll wait till around 6-12 weeks to see the midwife.
Home pregnancy tests are very accurate, GP's use exactly the same ones here as you can buy in the shops.

My partner is south african and a tad dismayed at the NHS lol

What you need to know is about what not to eat and make sure youre taking folic acid until 12 weeks preg. Theres some threads here about do's and dont :)

Louise has put some excellent info here ... hp?t=12343
Thanks! Makes me feel much better now :D Was a bit worried that I'll have to spend hours on the net to get info my doctor isn't willing to give soon:) I'll just have to be patient then...

How do I know how many weeks I am? I know the day I conceived, but not sure if that means 2 weeks?
You count from 1st day of last period hun
Its sad but true that doctors and midwifes don't take a pregnancy as seriously as they would do after 10-12 weeks because of the high percentage of miscarriages before this stage (90% of miscarriages happen before 12 weeks) and if a woman were to start miscarrying at this early stage there wouldn't be anything the doctors could do about it. That is why they don't really start to take blood test and hospital visits until after this volatile stage of pregnancy is over.

I'm sure everything will go fine though and you will find as I did that after you have your first dating scan and they confirm your pregnancy is out of the danger stage you will find the NHS much more accommodating and helpful to your needs.

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