Doctors Appointment today


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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Ok, so it's definitely really real, lol :D

Got my bfp from the doctors surgery ths morning and have my appointment at 3.30pm this afternoon.

When I said I wanted an appointment asap (after the mc at 20 weeks last time) the lovely receptionist said, 'Well of course you do!' and gave me the afternoon slot that they keep free for dire emergencies apparently :D

So off to the docs in a bit... bit nervous as have had crampy feelings and a few blood spots.. but all in all mighty pleased that I'm not imagining it LOL :lol:

Will keep you posted xxx
Goodluck for this afternoon hun, let us know how you get on x x

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Fingers crossed for you hun x
Keep us posted x
Ok so it's 5 to 3 and I'm still sat here.. better get a move on!

See you in a bit girls :hug:

Hurry up and get back to us, let us know how you got on x
Hiya :)

Well all good so far, I think. Doc agrees that I'm only about 4 or 5 weeks gone as can't feel anything yet when poking my tummy! She said that the spotting I've had wasn't really a good sign (thanks , lol!) but could also be normal. Blood pressure and heart (mine, not bump's lol.. way too soon for that) both fine and I peed in a pot to be tested for a water infection as that can sometimes cause spotting and can also increase risk of mc.

I've got a bunch of leaflets on stopping smoking, and the number for an advisory service that helps you quit while preggers, so will probably ring them tomorrow.

Doc said to ring midwife anytime I like for reassurance, and that I should definitely ring in about two weeks (surprise surprise - 2ww, lol) for an appointment.

Lastly.. and best of all.. she said the absolute best thing I can do is nothing! The more time I spend resting and lying down the better as will give baby a chance to burrow right in and get comfy. So am off to stretch out on sofa now, after eating lovely tea cooked by hubby.. who's now out walking the dogs! He's an absolute blinking treasure, bless 'im :D I'm a lucky girl :love:

So all in all, pretty routine. I've had a bit of stomach ache since getting back from docs, but could be down to not eating much today, until just now :lol: and also I'v realised that I have my stomach muscles tense quite a lot.. subconciously trying to keep baby in I think! Am off to relax...

See you tomorrow girls! xxx
Glad things went well hun, make sure you get plenty of rest and get your hubby to look after you x x

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Awww congratulations! Glad all went well for you! Your hubby sounds like a diamond, take advantage of that hahaha! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Glad to hear things went well :) Enjoy taking it easy!

x x x x
That is good news hun and glad everything is ok with you, now rest up x
Thanks ladies :D Finding it a bit hard to relax today as I have a driving lesson in half an hour.. my first one for over 10 years!
I drove quite a bit when I was younger so am hoping it'll all come flooding back to me, then it's a trip to the Post Office, then home to chiil out.
Feeling pretty good today..., might even be brave enough to get a ticker later! LOL I'm such a worrier... just worried that if I do too much to make it seem real that I might end up disappointed again. I need to get a grip! :D xxx
Hun, please don't worry too much, I know it is easy for me to say but enjoy your pregnancy and be proud of it! We are all in this together xx Hugs x
I am glad everything went ok at the doctors! I am in a 2ww for the scan to find the heartbeat too! It's so scary!

Glad all went well...lots of baby luck for next 8mths xxxx
Much love and thanks girls :hug:
Have decided NOT to see the midwife for another 4 weeks. By then I should be around 8 weeks or so (wish I'd paid more attention to my AF dates etc. now as I'm kind uncertain!) and there'll be a better chance of getting the heartbeat and so on.
I'm still a little worried that things will all go wrong, although I feel a bit more positive this time than the last. Hubby and I have both said we're not sure if that's coz we 'know' that this time will be ok... or if it's coz we're just assuming the worst will happen again, but at least we're ready for it. How depressing, lol :D
So I'm on a 4ww.... man that really sucks! xxx

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