Doctors Appointment Today


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Hi all

Just had my first doctors appointment since being pregnant! The doctor was very nice (I'd never met him before) and he wished us congratulations :D He booked me in for my midwifes booking in appointment there and then and it's on the 17th which seems really early, although I suppose I'll be about 7 weeks by then. He made sure I was taking folic acid and then went off to see if he could find a pregnancy pack to give to us. Apparently they don't do then any more though :(

I think I'm going to have to tell my boss before my appointment though as it is in my home town as opposed to the town I work in. The doctor said it would only take about half an hour is that right for the first appointment? Also will I need to take a wee sample?

Take a wee sample if u can - if not u can always do one there. I didn't take one and gave them one when I got there.

If u don't want to tell your boss now then can't u just say u have an appointment? I did for mine as I didn't want to tell my work at that point.
I didn't take a urine sample to my booking in appointment. My MW gave me a sample bottle and told me to fill it for every other appointment in the future.

I'd simply say you have a Doctors appointment and leave it at that. You don't have to tell them you are PG yet if you don't want to.
It doesn't take long no, but all surgerys are different, so if you call into yours for a urine sample bottle before booking appt you can always take a sample if you like. You'll get your big baby folder, full of bits to fill in about you, family history etc and can voice any questions, and generally just get to meet your MW, have fun :hug:
Hi hun

I have got my mw appt on 16th Jan :cheer: I was told that mine will be an hour and a half appt, I suppose everywheres different.

I am telling my employer ( I was supposed to have a meeting today but it didn't happen - so hopefully will be tomorrow) becasue you are entitled to attend all antenatal appointments within work time but your employer must know about it - if that makes sense, however if it's only going to be 30 mins you may be ok.

Thanks for the replies girls :D I think I'll let my boss know, I'm going to need a couple of hours in order to attend the appointment and I could do with a bit of backup when it comes to lifting heavy items etc. at work. I think I'll give them a ring and ask if a urine sample is required before hand too.

The big baby folder sounds exciting :D

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