Docs visit today etc


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Ok so today i went to see my G.P about the tramadol, apparently it makes you temporalily infertile! I have only been taking it occassionally so hopefully hasnt effected TTC. Have been advised to take co codamol instead.

I am currently 4 dpo and have random prickles in my BBS, also tummy cramps and weird pains since yesterday also extrememly moody.
Its too early for it to be PMT for me, so i am praying
Glad you got that sorted at the docs.

Those early symptoms sound promising... fingers crossed for you!

SPC xx
surely 4dpo is a bit early gets so frustrating hehe!

Glad you went dr's and got everything sorted...Nah Tramadol is horrible, I wouldn't even take it lol Stick to co-codmal....

Good Luck with the rest of TTC x
OMG I didn't even get told that, granted I wasn't pregnant but its not the 1st time I have been given something and never asked if I am ttc etc naughty docs, good luck, I have a feeling I will not be getting a bfp even tho I have had pains this month that I haven't had before but nothing else.
Good luck for a bfp for u xx
thanks guys!!! :D
Feeling so tired. need to BD just incase but just want to sleep instead!
poor hubby he was so knakered the other day he had a bit of trouble lol i think i've tired him out
Wish I could :bd: every day, its rubbish having DH work away during week - feel like we could so so easily miss our chance! Really hope the OV strips work for me this month (first month using them). enjoy :bd: everyone :)
Good luck Frankie, am sure you will get a BFP, even tho I did it non stop last week I have no idea it was the right time and now cos of a water infection I can't carry on trying i hope you get a bfp soon as do all the lovely ladies on here x
Going by your ticker every day last week would definitly have got that egg as it left the ovary so you must be in with a damn good shot at it this month. Really hope you get your BFP this month, when are you going to test? Fingers crossed :)
kellylou i think we will be testing around the same time next weekend! fingers crossed for a double bfp eh?! Frankie, i hope the Ov strips work for you and u get your bfp soonies! xxx
Not sure when I should test with it being my first month what do u think?? Fingers crossed for BFPS
Try as hard as you can to wait as long as you can to give your body the best chance to build up enough hormone to register. I would say try and hold out until at least the day you expect af to arrive. Good luck, hope you get your BFP :)
Thanks will let you all know on 21st/22nd if I can contain myself!
Hey ladies just catching up on all the threads.....good look everyone exciting time again ehh....heres to you all getting your BFP's and Im just about to start another round of :bd:....yeyyyyy.....think DH is dreading it after the sandpaper comments last month ha ha lol!!

Fingers crossed everyone xxx
Good luck hoping for a bfp for every1 this month x
i didnt know that about tramadol, my doctor put me on it and he knows we're ttc!! I didnt take it for more than a day anyway because I had an allergic reaction to it!!

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