docs are useless


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Hi I know im gonna winge here but I need to. I havent been on here for a few weeks as things have been going well n now I keep having like heart fluttering n then heart pounding for ages. Docs have done bloods f iron, thyroid n sugar n told me to go for an ecg today at an out of hours surgery, was told this morning they dont have facility to do it n have to go t a&e which Im not doin. Will wait till mon. I used to have B12 injections 3 years ago f chrones desease n Ive read on internet that a b12 difficiency can cause these symptoms but doc I spoke to today says not n wouldnt you think they would have done a blood test for that knowing I have chrones. I prob need the injections again as I am so tired n cant be bothered ive even took time off work.

Sorry f rant im just not getting anywhere with any of it. Work are being arseholes about it aswell. Considering it is a baby store you would think they would be more understanding. Wish I could leave now! :roll:
hey im not much use but could it even be just the blood and heart all working harder and faster to get to you and baby, i know i get a fluttering heart sometimes, anyways hope u get sorted and dont stress too much xxx
you poor thing, cant imagine thats too nice! sooo annoying to think the docs are meant to be as helpful as poss - on the leaving work front, im so with you on that - wish i could leave forever now! x

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