cot topper / changing topper question.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Hey a first timer.....Im not sure about these wooden changing trays which sit on the top of your cot t change bambino. so I have few questions.....

* 1- As Ive started with A bad back n shootin pains down my left bumcheek...tmi....i have been told that it would be a better idea to change baby at a higher height than keep bending all the time n strainibg my lower back?? True. cots arnt 'that ' high right??? im 5ft6

*2- Do all toppers fit all cots? Ive seen 2 cots in beech that I like and the one from babie r us doesnt have amatching topper??

*3- are they worth it....apart from post bath....when do u change ur baby upstairs? Alot if friends who r mums said they felt safer just having the padded mat....keeping it behind the diir n pullin it out n takibg it to whereever u u could have one up n one down i guess.

As usual....just worrying too not been in here cgance t check n been a busy bee with decoratin mates hen n her wedding this weekend!!!!

Anyone who replies n is around 20-24 weeks....tell me how u finding things?
Junior keep giving me a proper lil dance show everynight from 10...the lil monkey xx

big hugs xc
Hi Hun
I'm definitely having one of the toppers, as you'll be changing them in the night, after bath and prob for the third time in the day upstairs.

I'm 5ft 8 and I've looked at toppers and they are a great height.
In a perfect world I'd have a complete changer unit but I don't have the room :( x
Yeah me neither sue. got to be smart with the space we have x
I'm thinkin of getting one.

I have the same pain as u Hun, it's sciatica :(
see i really wanted on for my nursery but fatherin law built me a changing table instead with loads of storage, and i'm only a short arse at 5'5 but it completly depends on ur circumstances and what you have got space for, i'd love to have my LO's cot in my bedroom but dont think it will fit! :(
I think I'll just keep a changing mat under the cot and change baby on my bed. The less I have to get out of bed in the middle of January the better. But I would prefer this to an entire changing unit, waste of space.

Also this is my 2nd boy so I have methods of avoiding wee wee accidents ;)
There is a place for a changing mat on the top of the dresser I've got in the night I will feed him in bed and change hime on the bed I did this last time and worked fine I used a changing mate downstairs on the floor and felt comfortable doing it I had sciatica and it went once my son was born its usually baby laying on a nerve hope that helps xxx
Oh I'm glad you asked this question, I was wondering the same thing. How is everything going with you? It is great having the kicks from bubs isn't it (although I little bit less nice when they start dancing just as you want to sleep). I feel like i'm growing by the day at the moment. I thought I was never going to get a bump but I am definately starting to look pregnant now.
Yes I'm going to get one o these too - no room for a proper unit.
Hey mustard...
Yep im same....was starting t feel like a freak with no bump but jnr is deffo growing now n in the night my tummy feels solid.
Keep latherin up with oils n creams t help it stretch.
Congrats on team pink....soooooo jel...all u due date buddies have foubd out n im still team yellow!!! Glad weve managed t wait tho.
How u feeling in general. Im getting so tired at wrk n my eyes r gettin mega sore for some reason from the computer.
Oh well...big hugs x
Good point, I'm not very good at remembering to moisturise my bump.
I'm afraid the sore eyes your getting with the computer is due to dry eye (really common in pregnancy, its to do with the hormones effects on the tear production). Use artificial tears (Systane is really good but any will do). I work in an opticians so I know my eye stuff if you have any more questions.
Sorry your feeling tired, I'm not too bad (compared to Tri1 anyway). Well done on staying yellow, I'm sure the suprise at the end will be lovely.

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