Do you think you will ever 'Give up'


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I know we all tell each other to stay positive. But after reading through rants on here, Posting my own previously and wanting to post the longest rant ever seen by any human being right now im wondering wether anyone ever feels like giving up. Or will you ever? And if you know you will eventually what would be the final straw for you?

I will give up trying for a girl if my next lo is a boy, because I have to x
i dont think i will ever give up as i feel very empty after loosing my little bean xxx
i wont give up unless i know its never going to happen xx
Nope, never ever :)

I think in most cases it isn't just something we want, but something that we need.

You can't give up on something you need, because life won't be worth living without it.

I'm going to be a mum one way or another ;)
Not right now but maybe in a year as I'm already 42 I will be very disappointed if it comes to that but I have to be realistic about things,
Never. I have my down days when I think it is pointless trying so hard. But I will always keep trying. If it doesn't work naturally again then I will get some help from someone, if not UK NHS then I'll go abroad or private.
I wont stop trying.....maybe all it could come to is that I just wont bother with all the interventions I'm trying now like opk. x
I think so, infact I'm coming pretty close to saying enough is enough now due to problems at the moment, really thinking hard about it before selling all the baby things and getting the contraception implant. I don't want a big age gap between my kids so by the time the implant wears out it'll be too late to have another one (someone told me it lasts 6years?)
I sometimes rant about it, but I will not give up. We cannot imagine our lives without children so cannot stop trying.
sorry for butting in!! ladies dont give up!!! as for implant its 3 years hun and also u can have it removed almost immediately at any time as they just do it in treatment room!!

i am loving all ur positive opinions ladies and cosmic i never realised u had 4 boys!! :D xxx
Hi piglet, yeah 4 little men, dreaming of my little lady xx
Not giving up, but having a shift in thinking this month. Not going to put life on hold anymore waiting for it to happen. Have got a job interview next week for complete change in career direction - was holding out for maternity pay in current job. Had enough of waiting though, just going to go for it and let the dust settle how it may! I would like to say i'm going to bin all the opks and hpts too and forget about it, but i'm not that strong!!
My OH & I aren't TTC until we are financially sorted etc, I'm 28 at the mo so prob be early 30's when we do

Who knows how easy our journey will be then but whether we have a baby through natural methods, fertility treatment or adoption, we will become parents

I know I'm not there yet but even now I don't I'd ever think about giving up as there is always a way to become parents


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