*Quick "warning" about this forum and Google.*


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Over the past few months a few people have been a bit concerned that when they googled their name or their child's name, this forum came up.

This is something which, if you or your child have an unusual name, cannot be avoided if you post it on the forum.

Google cannot see the pictures section, or the members only area.

If you are concerned about any posts, we can always move or remove them.

I know many, many people won't care if info is seen on here, but some people with sensitive issues going on at home etc may wish to think about posting more personal stuff in the members area.

I just thought some people might find this info useful, as I have been queried on it today by a member.
that's why i always post in adult area now!
My hubby won't let me post personal info - I feel a bit aggrieved by it sometimes but I suppose it makes sense personal safety wise.
Like I said in another post, DH works in computers and says he has heard of too many people either having identities stolen or getting death threats from weirdo's etc :shock: :oops:
That's obviously rare but as he works away a bit, he won't let me risk it bless him.
hehe if i google jakobs full name my birth story is at the top :cheer:
Just done it, think im going to remove my home town now, its a lil scary.
eek! my real name comes up with nothing to do with me but trixipaws- its all me! theres no other trixipaws hehe

yes i always put private stuff in members area. thanx for reminding us tho!
lol,my rule is,don't write anything that would embaress your granny if she read it.

And plus,if some psycho actually took the time and trouble to find out where i live,take a plane/boat over,got a smelly bus at the nearest town,travelled 30 miles on said smelly bus,then trudged over 4 more miles of even smellier field and bog to reach my house.....well good luck to them!

Still,am looking forward to when I'm a big girl and can go in members only :lol:
:shock: I just googled myself and someone has the same username as me on a dating forum..... :rotfl:

DH would think I was up to something if he ever googles it..... :rotfl:
Wow. i just googled my username and the top ones are my postings about my miscarriage!! Never thought that would be possible! Have to be careful!

We found out the hard way when hills899 ( username on here) took it upon themself to look me up and pm me on another site as well and write to me stuff that has nothing to do with me or this person it has to do with Bernie and his ex and their daughter:? some people have no life really , its half the reason i dont post much stuff about our life on here atm

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