Do you think this is wrong?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Recently I was contacted by phone to ask if I would have some raffle tickets to sell for a local lad that has cancer and needs treatment in America. I'd heard of the lad and agreed, the tickets came through we sold them and sent the money back. Then I got another call asking if we'd take some more tickets - I like to do my bit so agreed. I was thinking about the phonecalls that we got and thought how nice that people volunteer to contact people to buy them in their own time.

Well last night I got an evening paper and was flicking through the jobs page when I saw an advert for the people that have been phoning us. They get paid up to £8 an hour and bonuses, it said that there was £300 a week available to earn. Wages in Devon are low and that's a really decent hourly rate for here, I'm quite disgusted that we'd need to sell over 1200 tickets a month just to pay 1 person's wage (I've spoken to 2 different people there, so gawd knows how many people work for them).

Surely there must be someone out there willing to work the phonelines for a charity for a few hours in their own time, i.e. student types. Or even if needs must do it for minimum wage?
:shock: I am so shocked by that. Arrgghh why do these people play on the emotions and good nature of others just to self gain :x

Go find the person that rang you a kick them :lol:

Thats wrong somthing like that should be volunteer work surely they can earn more money for the lad.
I thought it was wrong :( TBH I couldn't sit there it the knowledge that the money I was earning was coming out of a fund to save a 4 year olds life :?
how do they make money then? surely if they give so much money to employee's they cant make owt? :?
Apparently they've raised £106k so far, they need £220k which they think they'll have by December
that is extremely out of order and id be very angry the money i was giving was going into someones back pocket
Sounds like a con to me. I'd be very wary of anyone phoning me up to sell raffle tickets. If you wanted to do something like that I would look for well known charities to you to do fund raising for hun.
i would only give to well known ones or family/friends friends... you cant trust any one these days :roll:

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