Do you think this is OK?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2007
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I usually fit myself into Becky's routine which means she just gets fed whenever she's grumping for food. She's normally in bed at 8-8.30 and sleeps through till 3ish.

Last night just before we went to bed at half 10 she was grumping a bit. Normally I'd leave her and she'd settle but last night I decided to see what would happen if I let her have a bottle. She downed a good 4-5oz without even opening her eyes and then slept through till half 5 :shock: . I feel much more human having had such a big stretch of sleep!

Think it's OK to keep doing this?
i think it would be fine to do hun, saves you waking up at 3am ish doesnt it :) thomas has stopped feedng in the night now and went from 7-5 lastnight!! id rather he had a bottle in between the sleep but he wont take it.
aslong as she wants it then it should be fine
Definitely ok!

You both get a better nights sleep - who can argue with that! Try it again and see how it goes, but I reckon you'll have a new routine very quickly!
It's fine luv!

The baby whisperer calls it a dreamfeed. I still do it with Mhairi sometimes if I think she hasn't taken enough during the day.

I put Mhairi to bed at 7 after a bottle, and at about 10ish I make another bottle, go into the nursery and lift her from her cot while she is sleeping. Feed her the bottle, which she takes while asleep, wipe her chin and put her back down. She doesn't need winded as she is so relaxed when she takes the bottle!

We used to do this :D Hubby got Ja up at 11.30 for a feed so he would sleep through until 4 or 5 am meaning that I would only be getting up once in the night. I used to go to bed between 8 and 9 so I could get 6+ hours a night :lol:

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