Do you tell all?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Do you ladies keep your OH's up to date as to were you are in your cycles? Like I'm due to OV but I'm not telling him inase he feels unde pressure to perform LOL. When we used OPK's he kept saying how he felt it was like a medical procedure more than having fun makeing a baby, o I've not used them since and just vented on here (thanks :wink: ). And TBH I've enjoyed it more......still impatient as hell though :roll:
I don't tell mine anything! when I do mention my cycles I get the impression he'd rather not know. I think it would put him off sex. I think he has this fantasy that girls don't poo or have periods :rotfl:
i dont tell either like to make baby makin fun so it doesnt cause any stress.
i did have a chat to him about it and he sed that it dosent bother him anyway, its not like the sperm does anything different if they know lol
muppetmummy said:
I don't tell mine anything! when I do mention my cycles I get the impression he'd rather not know. I think it would put him off sex. I think he has this fantasy that girls don't poo or have periods :rotfl:

:rotfl: like that fella out of big brother?
My sweet hubby, trying to initiate conversation on this subject, looked at me the other day and said "How's your ovaries?" :rotfl:
I told him "just fine" and looked at him really weird. (I was far past ovulating.)
I don't think his poor little man brain could understand all the science and cycles and temping and I keep it to myself, and of course SHARE IT WITH YOU :D :D :D
Have no choice as I think he'd notice me driving down the motorway and booking into a hotel... :rotfl:

He also checks my cervix - I have v small fingers :oops:
wow, thats cool libs!!!

My OH didn't want to know anthing about it, but now its been a few months hes getting more interested and excited, he asked if i was pregnant the other day, but it had only been 2 weeks since AF!!! :D
My DH is the opposite - he keenly asks every day if Ov is imminent coz he knows he will get loads of BD! He doesn't feel the pressure at all - as long as BD is on the menu, it doesn't matter what time of the month it is!

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