AF arrived this afternoon, 2 days late. Had really been feeling all positive since I'm rarely late, and my 'symptoms' were all there. Was out in the garden in the beautiful sunshine, with my little girl, smiling and thinking of something my husband said to me "just you wait--this summer you'll be sitting out here in the garden--out to here!" putting his arms out to resemble a bump. I don't know who wants this baby more--him or I. I know how desperate I am inside, but he is a lot older than me and he sees time as going so fast and it kills me to see him with tears in his eyes when we're let down every month. I dread telling him the bad news tonight when he comes home. Already this past week we've been up and down--getting one faint BFP followed by 6 BFNs...then the waiting... He was afraid to touch me last night incase we "hurt our precious little baby" and here I am now, having such a hard time as always at the sight of all this blood, which I always feel should have been my baby's. Nature's way of taunting me and telling me I'm a failure again. Do any of you have warped thoughts like that? Please tell me I'm not the only one... My husband and I were absolutely sure this was our month. It all would have been so wonderful---we assumed I would finally get a BFP on Saturday--his birthday, and our little one would be born on 20th November--one day after his big sister Rosie and just in time for me and Hubby's first wedding anniversary on 30th November. But it's not to be... Hubby told me today when he left (to take my daughter to her daddy's house) that if I had bad news, to tell him to get a bottle (vodka) and Chinese and that we'd try to enjoy our night as much as possible. I'm just about to phone him, but I know this is all going to end in tears tonight. He is so emotional and it tears my heart open wide to see him shaking and sobbing the way he does. How do you tell him the bad news every month? Do any of you have OH's as emotional as mine? Thanks girls, I really need some support... x