Do you have a gut feeling


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2008
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of what gender you are carrying?

With my first, I was 99% sure it was going to be a girl and she was - even though my family and friends thought boy.
This time I am realllllly feeling that its a boy, I have no idea why, I have thought this since I got my positive result.
I was speaking to my nan and my mum this morning, whinging about my symptoms (as you do), and both said they felt the same when they carried boys, but not when they had girls.
Nan had 2 girls and 1 boy,
mum had 4 girls and 1 boy.
This has really strengthened my gut feeling about the gender, and I think us mums to be, DO all have a gut instinct, and that its just some are more in tune with what their body is telling them than others?

Also, OH's work buddy told him earlier that if it was wriggling on the scan as much as he said, then its more likely to be a boy as they wriggle more often and earlier??? No idea if this is an old wives tale or something this dude made up lol.
Anyway, sorry for the essay, and back to the original question..............

I think its a boy and so do my best mates and DH. Secretly hoping for a little girl but happy either way xx
Well i'm wishing for a girl but i'm thinking that my body is telling me its a boy :( :D
its funny you should ask that when i had my son i prefeered the colour baby blue and when i was pregnant with my daughter i liked the colour baby pink (still do pmsl) so mabe its the same this time i love baby pink lol will soon find out.....
I first thought BOY but now, with all the stuff shes giving me (feeling sick etc) only a girl could do that hahaha
Boys are just to nice to their mams to beat them up like this hee hee
So yeh, now Im kinda thinking girl in there!! :wink:
My gut feeling is saying boy, and even more so since got scan picture yesterday! Everyone else has been guessing girl until they saw the scan photo and are now calling it a he :think:
Happy either way but convinced it's blue at the mo!
I'm thinking boy again, I thought boy from the beginning last time & was right. I don't know how much is my OH's influence then, he's been telling Austin about his little 'brother' since we first got the BFP, & hasn't realised that it could be a girl!

I'm a wait-till-the-birth girl so we won't be finding out for a while :wink:

We used to have a list in 1st tri of what mums thought & whether they were right or not. I think there was a pretty high success rate!
had a really strong feeling first time round i was carrying a boy and when i woke up after the c-section asked "where is he?" the midwife attending to me in recovery was gobsmacked n said "you don't know what you've had yet" I laughed and said "where is he?" I just knew he was a boy - so she went n got me a polaroid picture of him up on scbu :lol:

This time I have a very strong feeling its a girl.
As much as I would love to have another girl, My gut's telling me this one's a boy. Also, I have to pee all the time, and my girls never did that to me! :)
Nearly EVERYONE in 2nd tri thought boy, my entire family thought boy, ever gender prediction thing said boy, a medium said boy...

I thought girl.

I was right - as usual :lol: :talkhand: xx
I think im having a boy for sure. Elle would love a little girl to play with, OH and i would like a little boy to have one girl and one boy. it would be lovely to have either im extatic either way. but i have a very strong feeling its a boy just because with Elle i was hooked on milk and have ever since, right now i cant even stand the thought of it i love fruit, spuds, pasta, chicken and gravy. nothing like when i was carrying LO. :D

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