Do employment agency tell the truth why you dont get the job


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2008
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Brian went for an interview with an agency and then a secong interview with the company itself.

He called today and was told they found out yesterday :evil: that he didnt get the job.
The reason they said is that he priced himself out of it.

He only told them what he was earning £9.50 an hour the job was seemingly offering £12.50 an hour.

So either they over stated what the pay was going to be in the first place or the agency just made up the reason.

Anybody else any experience of agencys do they care about the people that dont get the job or do they just want to palm you off
In my experience they don't care about the person, just about the contract and the employer and getting their 'sale'.
It is in their best interests to be honest because they get paid for every person they place in a job and get money for every hour worked if it is a temp job. If they didn't give honest feedback then they run the risk of never placing the person.
I'm going to see an employment agency in an hour to try and get me a job to save money. What kind of idiot leaves their job before finding out their pregnant. :wall: :doh:

Me :lol: :roll:
Only BAD recruitment companies would lie.

As someone else said - there is absolutely no point in lying because a recruitment business is only successful if it gets repeat business and you dont do that through lying ( i was in rec for 6 years)

What you may find is that the agency will have to add on their margin if he is a temp so thats what may have made it over priced.

Usually the company will tell the recruitment company the end figure they can afford and within that the agency have to build in the rate to the worker, nat insurance and PAYE contributions, plus their own margin (there aint no point doing it unless they get their cut too!)
TBH its a very frustrating thing and one that you come up against time and time again as a rec ageny. These companies come to you and ask for help and then when it comes to it, dont want to pay for it so if anything i would say the rec co would be as frustrated as your OH.

The best thing for him to do in the future would be to avoid talking ££ in an interview situation. It can cause sooo many problems and its easier if its left for the rec consultant to handle - thats what they are there for - to manage the recruitment process and make sure everyone comes out happy. I always advise employees who go to interview to say something like "I have spoken to (Insert name of rec consultant) and they have all my details on rate requirement so if Im successful we can sort it out from there" Its considered bad etiquette for a potential employer to ask what someone wants in an interview anyway its very awkward when they do that.

Good luck to your OH hun, hope he gets sommat soon
:hug: :hug:
Just my two pence worth--I went for an interview for a secreterial firm a few years back (through an agency). I thought I made an arse out of myself at the first interview--a whole host of things went wrong just before I left the house and I backed into a wall with wet paint on it..... :lol: basically I was just really flustered at the interview--I thought I was rambling as I was so nervous. I was so surprised when they called me back for the second interview. This time I told myself I'd BREATHE and relax, think out the answer to each question, try and come across as professional... Fast forward a few days later, and the agency phones me to say I didn't get the job because at the second interview I just didn't come across as excited about the job. :wall: They liked me better when I was the flustered fool!!!

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