Dizzy, sick feeling......


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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I have been feeling very odd yesterday and today, i was putting it down to my Asthma (as this has been playing up), but it got worse last night, so i sat down for a while and then took my blood pressure, which was somewhere around the 81/40 :shock: .

Kind of guess this is why i have been feeling like i have been.

Any advice in what to do or help raise it. The info i have found is that it isn't anything to worry about, but i haven't now got a MW appointment for sometime now. Do you think i should tell doctor or MW?? Even panicing a little last night, didn't seem to raise it.

Edit to say; i had drunk plenty of water yesterday so not dehydrated, or over heated.
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Yep hun i agree with small purple cat...def go and see GP or Midwife as soon as possible best to get it checked. Its probably nothing hun...but best to get it checked xx
No advice except phone your m/w but hope you feel better soon x x
Gosh that's low :shock: yep ring your mw or dr hun xx
apart from ringing your midwife if your bp is ow to help raide it you should sit with your feet raised above your hips helps with blood flow xx
That BP does sound low, no wonder your feeling dissy and sick, hope you managed to get checked out Hun
I would sit up or getup gradually in stages rather than suddenly as that will help you a little
CB - Just wondering how you are? Did you speak to/see your GP or midwife?
Just thought id ask how u were and if ud got chance to ring ur GP or Midwife xx
Thank you ladies, i have been trying every day to get an appointment with the doctor, it is just stupid, i just can't seem to get one, they are fully booked, i have never had this problem with my local health centre. Will ring the MW number, in a while and have a chat with them instead, just don't really want them making feel stupid.
Having orange juice and extra salt in your meals also helps in low bp..do u want to try that..take rest as 40 seems to be very low..I am sure u must be feeling quite weak
Sorry to hear you cant get an appointment and hope you feel better soon

Mine has been a right pain, it dips very suddenly and i either have to sit down or ill just collapse.. But it rises again by itself so the m/w and doc wont do anything. Sigh, the joys of pregnancy lol
Well i did speak to the MW and unfortunately it might be just one of those things that i will suffer with or it could just last for a short time. Drink plenty (unfortunately not the veno type) and sit down a few times a day with my feet up :oooo: , that must be in my spare time i guess, :whistle: . Only joking i am making sure i go in the house for lunch and put my feet up for a good hour afterwards this week, and hubby has sent me in, when i have been loosing colour mid afternoon a couple of times.

We went shopping on Saturday and had to keep sitting down as i kept going very faint, such a weird feeling, not something i have experienced before.

Funny enough Loveleen, i normally have my fair share of salt in my food, but since being pregnant i haven't be wanting the same, so have added a little extra to my meals the last few days. Orange Juice i haven't been able to get enough of it, but have to restricted myself a little as it was upsetting my IBS.

Thanks everyone. :hugs:

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