discovering their hands?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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All the books confidently state 'by 8 weeks your baby will be staring at her hands and pulling her fingers' etc etc

well mine isnt!

She has realised she has feet, and sometimes stares at them while flexing her toes, (which is sooo funny) but she hasnt found her hands!

Did yours all find their hands when they are 'supposed to'?!!!
Morgan has sucked his thumb since he was born but other than that hasnt done anything they are meant to. He still cant hold his head up properly and doesnt play with his hands or feet.

They are all different, i dont care anyway it makes him an ickle baby for longer pmsl!


Dont worry the books are a bit daft like that!
Lola started using her feet before her hands. She used to try and grab stuff with them and kick everything. I think it was just easier for her :)

I don't remember how old she was but i was starting to get a bit worried about her then she just started staring at them when she noticed they were there :lol:
Dont worry, Anjali is probably doing other things that the books say she shouldnt be able to yet, Eva is the same, she only discovered her hands, especially the left one, gazes at it for ages lol, in the last couple of weeks (she is 11 weeks now) but has been holding her head quite steadily and tracking objects from about 4 weeks! Its so exciting though when you suddenly notice they are doing something new! :cheer:
im not too worried as she is doing other things that seem more advanced, im just impatient for her i guess! when she finds her hands she'll be able to entertain herself so i dont have to :rotfl: :rotfl:
gymbabeliz said:
All the books confidently state 'by 8 weeks your baby will be staring at her hands and pulling her fingers' etc etc

well mine isnt!

She has realised she has feet, and sometimes stares at them while flexing her toes, (which is sooo funny) but she hasnt found her hands!

Did yours all find their hands when they are 'supposed to'?!!!

Calleigh is a few days younger than Anjali and she hasnt discovered her hands yet either. She still holds them in a fist the majority of the time.
She does love her feet tho she will kick them in the air and she looks at them :D
gymbabeliz said:
im not too worried as she is doing other things that seem more advanced, im just impatient for her i guess! when she finds her hands she'll be able to entertain herself so i dont have to :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: Yep I am constantly making Eva hold stuff with that aim! She looks at me like 'why am i holding this flipping ring toy AGAIN?' while i jump about telling her how clever she is lol :lol:
I hate to tell you, but it doesn't get any easier when they discover their hands! Ella now holds things and puts them in her mouth, but then she chucks them and cries until I retrieve them! :wall:

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