3 month development


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Anjali is just over 3 months now and definitely learning and changing so im not concerned about the following things, just looking for comparisons with other babies?

The things she IS doing-
tracking objects,
reaching out for toys (just started, with one hand)
smiling at me and OH
Waving hands and legs at me and OH
sitting up straight if supported gently
lifting herself up on her hands if lying on her front
making squeals , gurgles, and 'HI' sounds

Things she's NOT doing that apparantly she 'should'

Rolling- not a chance!
Smiling at strangers ('your baby should be smiling at everyone' :roll: ) nooo - all strangers get a blank stare
Making other consonont sounds
playing with her hands - she has discovered one hand and stares at her fist a lot, but still doesnt touch her hands together in fact she hasnt found the other hand yet!

Are we ok?!!!
Sounds about right to me. Angel is 12 weeks old. She holds her hands together, and rolls to her side. Strangers get more of a confused look. She will not giggle at anyone other than me. (I must be funny looking) She grabs the giant fly on her mobile! She's lazy on her belly. Doesn't really like tbh.
Pretty similar here...

She can...
Smile (though the same here - she smiles more at us than at strangers)
Giggles at me and OH but only when she's wide awake
Roll onto her side though she's managed onto her tummy when we were playing a couple of times.
Batting and occasionally grabbing at toys. Still have a bit of trouble when something's right in front of her rather than slightly off right to left. Can't decide what hand to use :lol:
Has been kicking her legs and waving arms for a while now
Makes a few different sounds
Suck her thumb or fist when she is upset

She can't...
Enjoy tummy time. Do it every day but she hates it. Has no desire to lift herself up on her hands when on her tummy except if I lie flat on the ground with her on my chest.
Can hold up her head fairly well but if it falls forward she can't bring it back again. Still wobbly when she's sleepy.
Lisa- your Angel sounds really bright!

i think Anjali is so far off rolling , because she hardly spends any time on her back, she doesnt like to be on her back for more than a few minutes. When shes on her back she's like a stuck pig! Ive tried tipping her a little and she still doesnt try to roll.

She's great on her front tho !

gymbabeliz said:

Wow she is just gorgeous and that is sooo brilliant that she can do that! Becky lasts all of half a second in that position then it's UMF UMF WAAAA! :lol:
Lo doesn't like being on her tummy either.

She is playing with her hands though (likes to stare at them and put them together and puts them to her mouth and LOVES sucking her thumb :oops: ).

I think all babies develop differently...
Ky stared staring at his hands with a baffled look on his face and studying them at the end of 4 months. he only started rolling onto his front this week and he cant get back onto his back yet. Hes been smiling at strangers for ages and likes to try and touch their face (i think thats his way of shaking hands :lol: )

She sounds like shes doing really well. I think you'll notice a massive leap in development from 4months plus i did with kyran.
gymbabeliz said:
Lisa- your Angel sounds really bright!

I think she is. She's started grabbing faces now. She reaches out just to touch. My OH was talking to her the other day and she just hooked her hand over his bottom lip. Has this huge grin like she's done something really clever.
She loves sitting up. Can just sit for ages. Lay her down in your arms and she'll just whinge. Babies just amaze me. They learn so much in such a short time. It's incredible.
She's fine! Luke is 4 months on Sunday and doesn't roll over yet. (Thank goodness LOL - Im dreading that!)

All babies develop at their own rate so I wouldn't get hung up on what she can and can't do according to...

she sounds like she's doing just fine hon. babies do things in their own time - guidelines aren't absolute rules. she looks soooo cute in that pic :hug: :hug:
Sounds like she is doing great and she looks gorgeous, Eva has only just got that good on her tummy now! It seems they all do things in a slightly different order but all get there eventually! The last couple of weeks we have seen huge improvements to her coordination and head strength, its so amazing how fast they change! :D

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