Discharge Worry!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2005
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I'm only 5 weeks pregnant and visited my GP this morning with a dull ache on the left side of my stomach which I'd had for a few days on and off and after listening to my stomach mentioned I have loud bowel sounds which made her think its either something I have eaten or gastroenteritis....fits as ive had a few dashes to the toilet this morning as well.

Anyway I have also noticed today that I've had a few period like cramps but was unsure if it was just a stomach ache from the upset and have now noticed the increased discharge I did have which was white/pale yellow now has a slightly brown tinge to it.

Abit worried as I know its very early days and anything can happen upto 12 weeks but I've got this far with a few cramps and twinges and not had any bleeding at all, not even implantation bleeding so not sure if this could be the reason for the slight change in colour. Any advice would be appreciated!!!!!

I'm no expert but I have had the same (dull ache on left side of stomach). The cramps are probably your bowels (it's common in pregnancy due to constipation etc) and it's perfectly normal to have a brown discharge at your stage. I had it, and then again at 7 weeks, and everything was fine, it's just the baby implanting. If you get severe pain or heavy bleeding speak to your doctor but I think you will be fine.
Hi Girls

Thank goodness I found this site - I too have been having a funny discharge (sounds awful writing it - but Im going out of my mind). I had it a few weeks ago (when I first found out I was pg) now Im six weeks, and it has started happening again this afternoon - should I ring the Doctor? how long does it last? I tell you, this first 12 weeks are hell :cry:

Im not an expert either, but I have period pain like craps and dull pains in my side, still do sometimes now, even at 12 weeks, was told there is nothing to worry about. And i had funny discharge to, still sufering with discharge now, but its pretty much normal now. :lol:

bec x x x
It seems like it could be ok then? - I think whats worrying me is that it stopped and now its started again - Like you all, you just want everything to be ok - and 6 weeks is a long wait till first scan - I just dont know whether to the Dr will be as sympathetic - it takes about 3 weeks to get an appointment - I'd just started to stop worring about the cramps as well - ho well - wait and see I guess :(
As long as the discharge is not offensive smelling or a funny colour it should be fine as time goes on you will probably need to wear panty liners, i have everyday since about wek 15, i've found the ultra thin ones are good by body form as you can't feel them at all.

Manda x
the discharge is like brown - was a whiteish (no oudor) but now gone brown and a bit watery this morning. Not gone into work have phoned NHS direct who said go straight to the dr who will examine me, and possibley send me to the EPU for an early scan (I will be 6 wks pg on Wednesday) so not sure if they wil see anyting.

My head is a mess

Thanks for all your support though - im quite scared though - cos looking at earlier posts on different topics this sounds like it could be the start of a miscarriage.

Doctors in 10 mins - wish me luck
I am also no expert but i have had exactly the same thing. The dull ache still comes and goes but is not as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago. The discharge looks like it's here to stay (oh no!) just having to combat with panty liners and wait it out. I spoke to my doc and all is apparently normal unless it starts to really smell or change colour (different to your usual colour)

Hope this helps :-)

Back from Docs. They are sending me for an early scan - cant get appointment for it till wednesday morning so, will have to wait and see. I wasnt too worried about the pains - it was the discharge, it wasnt smelly or unusual - just brown and now its going slightly red - so Im really worried now - cant believe I have to wait.

The doc said that if its going to happen it will, and the scan can only show whats going on at that time - and if it gets worse to go back.

not feeling too good. :(
Hey, I hope everything goes ok and the baby is fine. Wish you all the best and keep us all updated.

bec x x x
Thanks Boo Boo

I tell you this is stressing me out big style. If I'd of known it would be like this I wouldnt of done a HPT till the end of 3 months - less waiting :?

Its awful just having to wait and wait and wait. Deceided wont go back into work today - will do tommorow though - cant sit around panicking like this - my nerves have shot it. (little lol)

You get obsessive, I must have been loo like 50 times today to do a 'check' - then ntl have just phoned asking if Id like to discuss ways of saving money - YEAH RIGHT - SOD OFF. I know they dont know anything about it and its not their fault but - ohhhh gets me so mad.

Will keep you posted
Was also going to give up smoking today - got the patches ok'd by the docs. then this happens - theres no way I can do it today. But them Im thinking is it because of that, that this is happening?? just constantly beating myslef up about it at the minute.

blah balh - sorry to go on lol
Ohhh lisa, sorry to hear ur stressed, a good vodka and a cig comes in handy at times like these dont it, lol :lol: .

Try not to worry to much, but im sure thats easier said than done. I know how you feel about the smoking thing, I still havent given up, ive cut down alot, but feel terrible and guilty everytime I have a cig.

Me to I wish I was one of those lcky ones who found out they were pregnant later, at least then there is less waiting and worrying.

bec x x
Bec you made me smile - i would KILL for a glass of chilled white wine - YUMMMMMY - still, best not!

I always thought that once I was pregnant I would give up the cigs straight away - and Im just mad with myself that I havent. Like you, I just feel bad everytime I have one.

Think Im going to put myself to bed today - my mind is a right mess - trying to stay positive - but I must admit Im a bit of pessimist anyway - so it just aint happening lol

Will keep you posted

Get urself of to bed, and have a good rest, lol, thats wot id do, actaully wait a min thats all i eva do lately :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey but i have an escuse, well thats wot i keep tellin myself ne way.

Ohhh peaches, i wanna peach now. God dam these cravings they seem to ht me from no where, lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

bec x x
Hi all

Just got back from hospital - had a scan and everything is in the right place - they couldnt actually see inside the sac due to me having too much gas!!!!!!!! (charming!) :oops: and its really too early. But they confirmed its in the right place and not ectopic. So for today, I feel quite a bit better. Going back in 3 weeks for another scan to confirm the viability of the pregnancy and that everything is well on its way to growing how it should.

Phew - still dont feel out of the woods though.

They said the discharge could be from being on the pill (but I came off it over 3 years ago?? ummm not convinced on that one.

Hope you are all ok.

L x

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