Going to GP...*TMI*


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Afternoon everyone :wave:

I woke up this morning and had to rush to the loo as I was sure I was bleeding or had pee'd myself coz I felt wet! :shock: :oops:

Anyway when I wiped there was just green strings of gooey discharge :puke:

I called a number my midwife gave me and they said coz i'm under 18 weeks I have to call the GP so I did and got an appointment for 2:30.

Then I started having stomach cramps, they felt like a heavy dragging pain right at the bottom of my stomach, which I had really bad up until I went to the loo :oops: now they arent as bad but i'm not cancelling my appointment as I need to take a pee sample to test to see if the water ifections I keep having are gone and I want to ask about the green discharge too :puke:

So i'm off to get ready now, i'll update you as to why i'm getting green discharge when I get back :lol:
Good luck, i hope everything is ok. got my fingers x'd for you. :hug:
You're not having an easy tiime jade :hug:

Here's hoping they can sort you out , and cant wait to find out what the green discharge is :cheer: :wink:
I wonder if it's just something to do with the water infections and anti biotics?
Aww, you poor pickle, you aren't half going through it at the moment, aren't you? Pregnancy is well gruesome. I hope it goes okay at your appointment and you get it sorted.
Hi Jade - hope everything went OK at the doctors and there's a plausible explaination for the goo!
Hiya everyone i'm back.

Took in my pee sample they are going to send it off. Dr said it doesn't look like a water infection as it looks nice and clear :think: I told him i'm still having pain when I wee though and he said it could be an infection in the front passage which gives similar pain :oops:

The pains in my lower stomach is caused by a joint in my pelvis :( ALREADY!!! I said ''what? this early?'' he said yes especially because I had alot of pelvic pain when I was carrying Aaliyah :( He said paracetamol for that.

Booked in with the nurse for Friday at 11am so she can take some swabs because of the green discharge... :oops: It's something I had when I was pregnant before but more in the 2nd and 3rd tri.

Seems like everythings happening in this tri :shock:

Thanx everyone. :hug:
I hope you get it all out of the way this tri then the next 2 are a breeze :hug: :hug:
Awwww babes! You're having such a rotten time of it! :hug:

Hopefully HH is right and you're just getting it all out the way now!

I kept having pain when I peed (still a bit now) but they tested and said I didn't have an infection - they said it may be hypersensitive bladder (or similar - can't remember exactly...) where basically whenever you need to pee, your bladder goes all spasmy which is why it hurts. Wonder if yours could be the same thing.....?

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