Discharge... TMI etc...


Sep 15, 2015
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Hey ladies,
Wanted to get your opinion on something that's playing on my mind!
I'm almost 10 weeks now and I've been having horrible discharge for about 3 weeks now...
It started out yellow, went a bit pus coloured and in the past couple of days has turned green, yuk I'm sorry!
I had my booking in appt last Thurs and mentioned it to the midwife and I did a swab but not heard back from it yet.
I'm a bit neurotic as it's now turned green and I'm having foof pains, like shooting all the way up and dull tummyache...
It's got to be an infection if it's green right?
Do you think I Should go doctors??
Midwife only gave me epu number which I don't think is appropriate...
Thank you in advance! X
Sorry Hun, have no advice really. Usually green does indicate infection but I could be wrong. You should get swab results soon but in the meantime try not to worry. I'm sure it will all be fine. X
Personally, I would ring the doctor or the number the midwife gave you so you can just ask what direction you should go in to put your mind at rest xx
Hey love

I remember getting a shit load of CM during pregnancy, to the point a couple of days I wore a liner.. I think it was earlier in the pregnancy rather than later.

I remember mine raging from brown, yellow, greenish and white and sometimes v lightly pink. However when It was coming in loads it was a yellowy/whitish colour.

I think if the MW swabbed it - anything alarming would come back on it. Quite often the colouring is just different due to the amount going on in our bodies. If you are worried see your GP.

I assume the discharge and foof/tummy pains are different though - only cause I had both intermittently and I was fine.

Alot of changes going on in there, stretching and growing - and not just your baby, uterus and everything along with it :p


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