Discharge question... sorry if TMI!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Noticed my dc has been getting heavier the last few weeks (not smelling or funny coloured, just normal) but today I was drying my hair and when I stood up I felt a gush come out. Had a look and it just looks like a blob of really watery dc, this was like an hour ago, nothing else since. I had the same thing happen last Sunday only there was alot more then and that turned out to be just dc. Is it worth ringing hospital? Nothing more has come out. xx.
I've had the same thing too for a couple of weeks, each time it happens I think my waters are going. Try wearing a pad, think its just one of those late pregnancy things.

Yeah think its just discharge, I'd imagine it'd keep trickling if it was waters :S Any sign of your LO making an appearance hun? xx
yeah I get lots of dc sometimes in the mornings when I get up after lying down. Had it checked out, turned out it was just normal dc...
Yeah think its just discharge, I'd imagine it'd keep trickling if it was waters :S Any sign of your LO making an appearance hun? xx

Yeah I keep telling myself that too - i'll soon know about it if waters do go.

No signs for me, only the DC & some cramps & lots of BH yesterday. Thats it.

Aww I hope he/she comes out soon for you :D xx
The mw's at hosp were telling me to always wear pads from now on. That way if there is any uncertainty about what's coming out they can swab the pad to confirm x
Ahh so thats why i've heard ppl say they've given their pad to the MW.

Ugh the thought of having to hand it over to the MW though

Seems pretty gross don't it?! Well I guess they are used to things like that.....but still, ewww!

Difficult to know whether to question the whole dc thing but I swear I read that if waters were trickling out a pad would be soaked in an hour......so ifit happens and I'm not sure I'm gonna wait and hour and c !xxx
I've also heard that about putting on a clean pad & waiting an hour - also heard putting on a pad, lying down for 1/2 an hour & getting up & if its waters there will be more coming out.

I suppose its got to either trickle out or pour out, maybe a bit of both, once they're broken thats it, kinda like a balloon letting out air, it either goes out slowly or all at once but it doesn't stop, so a good way to tell will be if you start getting trickles then they stop, it wont be waters, coz it will kinda be like a constant stream if that makes sense.

My waters with my first were very thick & syrup like, but see through. Couldn't have been mistaken for pee or dc. I'm thinking all this dc i'm having might be plug? which would at least be some sort of a sign

Fx that it is! Quite a few people seem to describe different mucus plugs.......I imagine it to be more jelly like but some people talk about a fair bit of blood, others more just dc..........difficult to know when u haven't had one before!xx
I've had the exact same thing.. If its hind waters at actually can stop and it can reseal itself or baby can block it off...
But if it was, it would still be constant for a while.. I found waters to be clear and thicker than water.. Both times I had trickles no gush.. You'll defo know if it's your waters x

If ur concerned there's no harm in popping into hospital and getting them to check x

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