due date

happy Due date, I give it 4 days before it starts :) xxx
Congratulations honey on your due date. We were all worried about you this morning. I reckon we will be seeing your labour watch by the weekend. xxxx
well ive had my hospital tour without incident, still nothing to report and my OH will be on the computer tonight playing warcraft so i wont be around. if your prewarned you cant get all worked up lol. i'll check in or failing that i'll be on tomorrow to catch up on the happenings with you lovely ladies x
Happy due date hun! I Think she will come at thursday!:)
happy due date hunnie hope you have a nice punctual little girl too xxx
Happy due date Bev! I reckon 8 days for some reason!

Excited to see your labour thread :D
your all mean lol, i dont wanna go 8 days over!
still nothing new to report. watery dc is gross as when i get up in the morning it leaks out noticibly lol
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I don't know about this stuff, but could that be waters slowly? I don't think 8 days, 3 max x
it could be, but then again it could just be increased dc. had a tiny bit of blood when i wiped earlier too but i refuse to get my hopes up until im a. in agony or b. i totally wet myself properly lol.
Haha true, I think I would be the same! Can't wait to be in agony! Lol
yeah im gonna go for a walk to see if i can gravity this baby out lol, failing that i can at least cadge a cuppa off my mum
Gravity is an amazing thing good luck, and enjoy your cuppa! X
cuppa was nice, baby still on board tho lol. got back home and finally bpthered to investigate the bad cat pee smell in my hall. seems the cat had decided that the new doggys bed was its new litter tray and had soaked it thru so had to mop the hall and put that in the washing machine, ewww i do hate cats.
not a cat person myself either give me a pooch anyday. lol. xxxx
cuppa was nice, baby still on board tho lol. got back home and finally bpthered to investigate the bad cat pee smell in my hall. seems the cat had decided that the new doggys bed was its new litter tray and had soaked it thru so had to mop the hall and put that in the washing machine, ewww i do hate cats.

My friend's Jack Russell keeps getting told off for pooing in the house but I'm convinced it's the cat. He just looks far too smug for my liking lol
Cats always have that look about them!! Its a real sly ha ha ha look!! Not like the thick look my dog always has! lol. I don't like it if my pet looks like it knows more than me!! lol
Rabbits are the same have you noticed? That slightly superior look that makes you feel so inadequate lol. When I clean them out my work gets checked at every stage and I get nudged if it's not good enough :roll:
Totally!!! They are well rude!!! lol
I wanna say to them be bloody grateful I clean you out in my condition!!
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my cat is a big git, hes taken offence to the new dog and he was pooing in my hall for a while, then he stopped when he realised this just got him thrown uncermoniously thru the front door. hes always finding sneaky ways to get back at me for getting a new pet.

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