why do u come on PF?

I come on here for support and advice and ive recived wonderful help and a warm welcome from you lot
a bit of a giggle and a laugh
and companionship thought the laptop cause im a lonely cow now im preggers :oops: :rotfl:

im mostly in tri3 but ive been more brave of late and tried out the other sections to

ive met some lovely girls My May baby mates and and some of you other lasses have Become good friends on msn

i dont know what id do with out you you all

gotta find my boyf and show him this poll before anyone else votes- 54% in the lead are new mummies who're no longer preggas like me! i think its the name of the forum, it makes him think its ONLY for pregnant women and he ALWAYS says it! :lol: :roll:

i joined originally to ask for help as i was so worried i'd harmed my baby before i knew i was pregnant, coz i'd been doing drugs. i played it down a lot, i didnt mention the coke coz i thought i might be shot down in flames! i even thought what i had revealed would get a lot of chastising. but i was pleasantly suprised at how friendly and supportive everyone was, not one person had a go. i felt welcome so i posted a little bit more, but i didnt think back then i'd still be here 18 months later lol!

iv done most of my posts SINCE millie's birth, i think i was only on 1500 or 2000 before she was born.

when she's 2 or 3 or whatever age is no longer classed as toddler, ill HAVE to ttc or else ill have to leave! :( :lol: :lol:
I joined because I am TTC and it's nice to know so many other women are going through the same thing! I like to read about pregnancy, birth and having babies and I love seeing all the baby pics!

I also am a geek and love using forums! 8)
right heres proof of how addictive it is- im really testing the strength of my pelvic floor muscles here- i SO need a wee but iv been looking in the pics section and even then didnt get chance to catch up on them all- also my boyf's out and millie's been sleeping for about an hour- and i really shouldve used this time to do some chores which need doing- instead ill hav to do them 2nite coz no doubt after i go for a wee and start the chores millie will wake up so i wont be able to do them! lol im gonna hav to go now b4 i hav an accident! :lol: :oops: :lol:
I joined when i was pregnant with Aimee 3 years ago :shock: I've just never left! I got so used to coming on here and every time I decide to leave there's always someone's story I'm following and I'm too nosey. I've never been a big poster but I read everyday.
I'm none of the above - I have 2 children aged 4 and 7, and thought about TTC last yr when I joined, then decided to put it on hold a couple of years - but still come on! I like it for the parenting side of it, and being able to talk to other people full stop - I'm pretty sad really :lol:
I look forward to one day having a BFP thread and a ticker and an announcement, but not until I have finished college and settled in new job.
I come on here all the time not that anyone would know it, I'm usually too shy to post :oops:
But most of the questions I have someone else usually asks or I search for old posts, I've being doing this since I joined in 1st tri lol, I'm not much of a joiner but this forum has helped me loads even if I never talk to anyone :hug:
trixipaws said:
when she's 2 or 3 or whatever age is no longer classed as toddler, ill HAVE to ttc or else ill have to leave! :( :lol: :lol:

Aw trixi - you won't have too! I personally think that this forum will grow with its members - it was born in 2005, so most posters have toddlers, babies, are pregnant, were pregnant or TTC but inevitably if we all stick around in a few years, there will be a lot more of us to talk about issues with young children (3 or 4 years old+) and we can suggest extending the 'Older Children' section etc.

Valentine Xxx
I joined because when i got pregnant there was nobody in my situation I could talk to - nobody my age was pregnant and anybody older i didnt really get on with. So I decided to find a nice helpful forum...well..had a few brief stints at forums specifically for young mothers...one was really bitchy and thought everyone was fake unles they povided 2948575 pieces of proof :roll: the other was very anti abortion and christian. So I wound up here. I didn't think anyone would want to talk to me as you'ere all older. Thank you for not eating me. <3
trixipaws said:
right heres proof of how addictive it is- im really testing the strength of my pelvic floor muscles here- i SO need a wee but iv been looking in the pics section and even then didnt get chance to catch up on them all- also my boyf's out and millie's been sleeping for about an hour- and i really shouldve used this time to do some chores which need doing- instead ill hav to do them 2nite coz no doubt after i go for a wee and start the chores millie will wake up so i wont be able to do them! lol im gonna hav to go now b4 i hav an accident! :lol: :oops: :lol:

I do this ALL the time! :lol:

I hardly even made any posts until I had Brody even though I joined while I was pregnant! I was too shy! :oops:

Now I have come out of my shell a bit! :D
zebrastripes said:
I didn't think anyone would want to talk to me as you'ere all older. Thank you for not eating me. <3

I'm at the opposite end of the scale, 39, your posts are always so sensible and I never ever notice the age difference.

You are the sort of girl that I would love as a daughter :D
I joined when I had first found out I was pg.......got a little bit addicted, i am now a parent, I am not TTC or PG, just completely addicted....but you all keeping making me broody when i look in the picture section :shakehead:
i joined coz finding out i was pg at 17 was so scary and needed to tlk to people - i didnt know

now i stay to bug u all :D
I joined when TTC, but got really into it when I joined 1st Tri.
My Mum seems concerned and said I need to talk to 'Real People' in regards to baby related questions/concerns but none of my proper mates have babies. If I ask a question on here I always get an answer..Most of the time if I try ringing the Health Visitor I can't get through :wall:
I joined because after having an mmc in December 2007, I didn't think I'd need a support group. 10 weeks later an online friend of mine lost her baby (stillborn at 35w5d) and I suddenly needed support outside my family. After googling I managed to find this group which is more than about m/c and I found it was exactly what I was looking for. I also like that I'm not the only 30something trying for a first child.

I said I was TTC and have no babies or toddlers, but I still consider the child I lost as my baby. He just grew wings and is now watching over is in Heaven :angel:
My name is Jade... and I'm a Pregnancy Forum Addict... :rotfl:

Thanks to PF I am feeling quite confident about becoming a mummy- and i don't feel like a little girl on here- unlike when I go to antenatal classes where they seem to treat me like an imbecile because I'm 19 :roll:

Thanks Guys! x
I joined when I was first pregnant then I went through a miscarriage on here then TTC for over a year then a whole pregnancy and now Tom is 15 months old!
This forum is so invaluable for advice and support. And I've made some really special and lasting friendships on here too.
I feel so lucky to have found it. It's a vewwy special forum! xx
I joined after posting on a student forum saying basically 'help i'm pregnant what do i need!' and Xena pm'd me from that site with a lot of advice and the link to this place... i haven't looked back!
My friends are at uni and there isn't anyone really to talk to or ask around me so you guys have been an amazing help!
I joined 3 years ago when pregnant with Aaron :shock: how scary is that! I just enjoy reading other people's experiences and giving out any advice I can! It's always nice to have support on something you don't really know much about. It was quite scary having a baby the first time round and it was nice to be able to ask silly questions about anything. Now I stick around cos I can :lol: well I have a bit more of an excuse now baby number 2 is on the way!

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