sorry i need a rant


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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im feeling a bit annoyed and lonely and trapped! my boyf is out at a party and i kinda resent it :evil:
he doesnt go out very often (maybe once a month if that?) but it seems like lots when i havent been out in over a year.

i kno it was ME who forgot to take the pill, but i still feel sort of angry with him coz he knocked me up and now he's swanning off having a good time and i cant. i feel really horrible writing this coz it sounds like i regret having milliepops. and i dont, i soooooooo dont! shes the best thing that ever happened to us and i wouldnt change her for the world! i dont kno, im just jealous i suppose, that being a parent hasnt affected his life like it has mine.

i thought i was old enough not to feel like this (im 26). maybe im immature- or is 26 still a little young to settle down?
grr. i dont kno. tbh its not the staying in that bothers me. im quite happy atm to stay in with milliepops and when she goes to bed come on here or watch tv. i just dont want him to go out either! coz its not fair! i kno, i kno! im being spoilt and unreasonable. but i feel a little better to get it off my chest.

thanx for reading (if u managed to finish it lol, sorry its long!)
trixipaws said:
im feeling a bit annoyed and lonely and trapped! my boyf is out at a party and i kinda resent it :evil:
he doesnt go out very often (maybe once a month if that?) but it seems like lots when i havent been out in over a year.

i kno it was ME who forgot to take the pill, but i still feel sort of angry with him coz he knocked me up and now he's swanning off having a good time and i cant. i feel really horrible writing this coz it sounds like i regret having milliepops. and i dont, i soooooooo dont! shes the best thing that ever happened to us and i wouldnt change her for the world! i dont kno, im just jealous i suppose, that being a parent hasnt affected his life like it has mine.

i thought i was old enough not to feel like this (im 26). maybe im immature- or is 26 still a little young to settle down?
grr. i dont kno. tbh its not the staying in that bothers me. im quite happy atm to stay in with milliepops and when she goes to bed come on here or watch tv. i just dont want him to go out either! coz its not fair! i kno, i kno! im being spoilt and unreasonable. but i feel a little better to get it off my chest.

thanx for reading (if u managed to finish it lol, sorry its long!)

your time will come.
right now your main priority is your baby. Channel all your energies into her. soon enough you'll be able to go out and enjoy yourself again.
And when your little girl blossoms and becomes a school girl with impecable manners and loves you with all her heart it will be becasue of what YOU have put into her. And she will know this and love you all the more for it.

You reep what you sow
tell him to stay in and chill out with u, whenever Mike announces he is goin out to me he knows he wont be as soon as the words come out of his mouth haha :lol: :lol:
Have you got anyone who could babysit so you could both go out?

Failing that leave him at home and YOU organise a night out with your mates.
Urchin said:
Have you got anyone who could babysit so you could both go out?

Failing that leave him at home and YOU organise a night out with your mates.

shes BF
budge said:
Urchin said:
Have you got anyone who could babysit so you could both go out?

Failing that leave him at home and YOU organise a night out with your mates.

shes BF
I breastfeed exclusively and i still have my nights out. It just takes a shead load of pumping for a few days to be sure theres enough milk for OH to give baby.
You organise your own night out hun and let your OH look after Millie, it wont kill him for one night and it will do you the world of good. Granted it took me until Thea was 7 months old to do it myself but now i have at least one night a month out, sometimes two and i love it!
Melanie said:
budge said:
Urchin said:
Have you got anyone who could babysit so you could both go out?

Failing that leave him at home and YOU organise a night out with your mates.

shes BF
I breastfeed exclusively and i still have my nights out. It just takes a shead load of pumping for a few days to be sure theres enough milk for OH to give baby.
You organise your own night out hun and let your OH look after Millie, it wont kill him for one night and it will do you the world of good. Granted it took me until Thea was 7 months old to do it myself but now i have at least one night a month out, sometimes two and i love it!
id need a pump as i can only hand-express 100ml at VERY most lol but havent bought one yet coz hav never really established bottle-feeding. neither millie nor i are very confident with it she seems to gag and splutter and fuss at it and i find holding her and the bottle awkward and difficult. im just not confident enough with bottles even if i had endless stores of milk in the freezer! actually i think ill post in feeding bit asking advice on it. but i might just wait til shes weaned and til then just whinge each time he goes out lol
thanx for all ur replies ladies. :hug:
trixipaws said:
im feeling a bit annoyed and lonely and trapped! my boyf is out at a party and i kinda resent it :evil:
he doesnt go out very often (maybe once a month if that?) but it seems like lots when i havent been out in over a year.

i kno it was ME who forgot to take the pill, but i still feel sort of angry with him coz he knocked me up and now he's swanning off having a good time and i cant. i feel really horrible writing this coz it sounds like i regret having milliepops. and i dont, i soooooooo dont! shes the best thing that ever happened to us and i wouldnt change her for the world! i dont kno, im just jealous i suppose, that being a parent hasnt affected his life like it has mine.

i thought i was old enough not to feel like this (im 26). maybe im immature- or is 26 still a little young to settle down?
grr. i dont kno. tbh its not the staying in that bothers me. im quite happy atm to stay in with milliepops and when she goes to bed come on here or watch tv. i just dont want him to go out either! coz its not fair! i kno, i kno! im being spoilt and unreasonable. but i feel a little better to get it off my chest.

thanx for reading (if u managed to finish it lol, sorry its long!)


I know babe, trust me xx
Ive not managed to get out either tri,so me an you both! Though tommo and I have made a pack not to go out unless were with each other.

You will be able too soon, like someone said above wait until shes established in weaning and not needing the breast quite so often. Maybe if she got used to a bottle in the future.

Good luck hun, i know how you feel.Im 24 and stuck in all the time and its bloody lonely and made worse by me not driving or ahving my own car. But we made our choices to have our babies, and tbh going out nowadays its way too expensive for a night out, and ten theres haing clothes for it as well!
How about getting a couple of mates round for a girly night in? thats what i plan to do in a couple of weeks, i wont leave Glenn for quite a while as i have never felt i could leave any of mine til they were at least a year, i know that sounds daft to some (my friends cant understand that) but its just me, have a nice night in with a few bottles of wine (if you can) and get a takeaway and a dvd and just have a laugh with your mates.x
budge said:
Urchin said:
Have you got anyone who could babysit so you could both go out?

Failing that leave him at home and YOU organise a night out with your mates.

shes BF

Yeah and....?


A bit of practice and it'll be fine, even just for a couple of hours between feeds might make her feel better. :)
Urchin said:
budge said:
Urchin said:
Have you got anyone who could babysit so you could both go out?

Failing that leave him at home and YOU organise a night out with your mates.

shes BF

Yeah and....?


A bit of practice and it'll be fine, even just for a couple of hours between feeds might make her feel better. :)

well i practiced 4 times and couldn't express. :(
I guess if he is only going out once a month he isn't taking the piss.

maybe you need to find something for you and millie to do, like parent and todler group at least it gives you somewhere to go once a week.

As D won't drink from a bottle i can only have the odd hour here and there from him after he has been fed.. it is worth persevering with the bottle as D was great with it but had a break and now won't touch it
aw trix, maybe you could all try going out for a meal the three of you, then you are out together, failing that the only thing I can think of is expressing, get an electric pump and see how that goes, maybe you could rent one from the nhs?

Next time he goes out, come on here and we will give you hugs :hug:

I'm 26 aswell, but as we bottle feed I can go out if I want to. I only ever go out when he is in bed though, so he doesn't know I am gone, I don't feel I am missing out on him that way!

Keep a tally of when you oh goes out so that you can claim the nights back!!! :rotfl:
Ask him to stay home one night hopefully he'll understand where you are coming from...and its not your fault for not taking the pill

I hope you find somthing that works for you hun maybe if you tell him how you feel he wont go out and stay home with you ??
Bernie never goes out as i think he should be home if im home and hes fine with it 99% of the time.
He does go to poker night once a month though and i let that go as he loves it!!! But Kiara when i BF her she never ever took to a bottle the one time i did leave her at 5 months she did not eat the whole night :?
I dont know what to suggest but keep trying ...
On a better note though they do grow up really really fast and before you know it you will be able to have nights out every few days if you like!!

:hug: hang in there Katrina

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