

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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Is anybody else worrying about losing all of their dignity during birth?

Ive never really had any internals at all so the thought of having lots of people keep poking their heads in is starting to worry me!!

I know it will all be worth it and I probably wont care once i've got my little girl in my arms but that doesn't help me now!


Dont really know what to say to be honest!! It will all be worth it in the end. You'll leave you're dignity at the front door of the hospital & pick it up again on the way out (as my granny used to say)

I'm the same, its really starting to stress me out. Not so much the midwives and doctors as its their job to deal with it every day but I don't want my oh seeing me in that state. I know its prob stupid and I won't care at the time but I really feel I could just get on with it better if I was just left to it myself! Xx
I thought I'd be the same when I was pregnant with No1, everybody kept telling me that I wouldn't care once I was in the thick of it but I had my doubts!!!
Turns out they were right! I would have danced naked down the main corridor of the hospital if they had told me that that was the quickest way to get bubby out!!!
You really, really won't care. You get into a zone and everybody/everything else just melts into the background because you are so focused on doing whatever is necessary to help baby arrive.
And believe it or not, the midwives do make it as dignified a process as it is possible to be, given the logistics and access required :)
Thanks girls, i guess you are all right i just have this image of my legs behind my head and every tom, dick and harry coming in to have a nosey!!!
I'm just worried that my OH is going to think I'm a crazy person! He said to me that he thinks this is the hardest job anyone could have and I'm really strong for getting through it all okay and that he could never think I'm crazy because I'm doing this amazing thing... etc...

But he also said he doesn't know how he'll react to seeing me hysterical (if I get hysterical!) He said he'll be really stressed that he can't help me!

So I'm worried about losing my dignity like that! And if I do a poo I'll be mortified!

You honestly won't care! I felt exactly the same before I had Sam and was so worried about what I was going to wear while I was in labour (I bought some brilliant long nighties from Primark so I could have nothing on underneath but not worry about people seeing anything if I was up and walking around) but as soon as we got to the hospital it was the last thing I thought about! I even had a lovely hour long conversation with a consultant as he sat between my legs afterwards and thought nothing of it :lol: And this is all after lots of stressing about it before so please don't worry at all! x
The only thing that's making me cringe a little bit is the fact my OH is going to see me scrunching my face up when I'm pushing :/ That surely is not going to be a pretty sight! I'll have to ask him not to look at me :lol: xxx
I thought I'd be the same when I was pregnant with No1, everybody kept telling me that I wouldn't care once I was in the thick of it but I had my doubts!!!
Turns out they were right! I would have danced naked down the main corridor of the hospital if they had told me that that was the quickest way to get bubby out!!!
You really, really won't care. You get into a zone and everybody/everything else just melts into the background because you are so focused on doing whatever is necessary to help baby arrive.
And believe it or not, the midwives do make it as dignified a process as it is possible to be, given the logistics and access required :)

Totally agree! I was stressing about my bestfriend/birthing partner seeing my pushing face :lol: she still laughs about it now, but I honestly didn't care I was induced and I was soooo determined I was going to get her out naturally I just went for it.

I promise you, you won't care at the time! You'll be too focused on getting baby out. :) good luck when it comes.

Just randomly popping into tri 3! It's seems to have come round so quick for you all :)
You def won't care! I have memories of my legs in styrups getting stitches laughing at the male surgeon doing it, really didn't matter anymore! Nor will your partners care at the end of the day, we just have to make sure they have a little education about birth and the shear hard work of it, your going to make funny faces and noises, most men have nothing but admiration for what us women go through once they've been there. We have to remember that giving birth is the most natural thing in the world however it happens!
The only thing that's making me cringe a little bit is the fact my OH is going to see me scrunching my face up when I'm pushing :/ That surely is not going to be a pretty sight! I'll have to ask him not to look at me :lol: xxx

Omg yes I didn't think about that... I don't want my oh to see me making horrible faces either :(

But doctors looking at my bits do not worry me much honestly saying :)
Well there's going to be alot to laugh about after, thats all i can say. xx
The only thing that's making me cringe a little bit is the fact my OH is going to see me scrunching my face up when I'm pushing :/ That surely is not going to be a pretty sight! I'll have to ask him not to look at me :lol: xxx
Dont worry about that at all . Bless him he will be far more worried about seeing you in pain to even notice and if he was too say something smart :whistle: .... smack him one . You'll be in labour it'll be totally acceptable . lol no seriously though dont worry :hugs:. Your going to grunt , moo like a cow , make odd faces and generally be exposed a bit which sounds awfull :eh: but when the time comes rest assured you wont mind . I was wheeled from one room to the next roaring my head off about to start pushing with my bits on display and didnt even notice until my oh pointed it out afterwards . The only thing I felt embarassed about was having a health care assistant sit and watch me shower and insist on washing my hair , drying and dressing me but it was actually so nice to feel properly clean and I wouldnt have been able to do it myself . They see it everyday and whatever you do I can bet they will have seen or heard worse x
I didnt believe this either but trust me, you wont give a flying monkey. You will be focused on getting through it and thats whats important
honest to god you wont even care if your fanny was on show in the local shop window I promise and as for worring about what he thinks....you wont honestly give a flying you know what. Youre more than likely deck him for making an inappropriate comment...it is an amazing thing you are doing and our bodies are designed for this and the last thing you will be worried about is what face you make BELIEVE ME ha ha ha or what your noonie looks like to strangers. I hated internals and was really embarrassed but by the end of it I didnt care you just want the baby to be well and out xxx
ps I remember feeling like this about having my first....what if I got eyeliner around my face!!!! is what I thought
You wont care about anything once you're in the swing of it all. Personally things like that really do not bother me. Once you have LO in your arms you will forget ALL about it! xx
The only thing that's making me cringe a little bit is the fact my OH is going to see me scrunching my face up when I'm pushing :/ That surely is not going to be a pretty sight! I'll have to ask him not to look at me :lol: xxx
Dont worry about that at all . Bless him he will be far more worried about seeing you in pain to even notice and if he was too say something smart :whistle: .... smack him one . You'll be in labour it'll be totally acceptable . lol no seriously though dont worry :hugs:. Your going to grunt , moo like a cow , make odd faces and generally be exposed a bit which sounds awfull :eh: but when the time comes rest assured you wont mind . I was wheeled from one room to the next roaring my head off about to start pushing with my bits on display and didnt even notice until my oh pointed it out afterwards . The only thing I felt embarassed about was having a health care assistant sit and watch me shower and insist on washing my hair , drying and dressing me but it was actually so nice to feel properly clean and I wouldnt have been able to do it myself . They see it everyday and whatever you do I can bet they will have seen or heard worse x

Ahah thank you :hug: and yeah I think that's very true. My OH admitted the other day that he's scared to be my birth partner because he'll be upset seeing me in pain, bless him! I had no idea he felt like that, but I guess I too would be upset if it was the other way around :lol: xxx
I think my OH is scared of seeing me in pain and I think he's scared he's gonna do something to annoy me :s I tend to get a bit tetchy when I'm in pain, I usually just tell everyone to bugger off and leave me alone and not touch me lol. So I think he's a bit scared he'll make things worse but I don't think I could have a better birth partner to be honest, I know he'll be brilliant when the time comes and he'll know exactly when to encourage me and he'll happily let me break his fingers if needs be lol x
ps I remember feeling like this about having my first....what if I got eyeliner around my face!!!! is what I thought

Lol yes eyeliner :)) I already tested some of my make up for how easy it smudges and chose the best combination. Silly I know :)
to be honest hun i dont think you will care too much when you are there! at least thats what i am hoping :)

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