Difficult Decisions - help please!


Dec 4, 2017
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Hello everyone,

I wanted to tell you guys my story and really needed. some advice too.

I am 27 years old, hubby is 27 years old as well. Husband and I have been trying for a baby for 3 years. I was diagnosed with PCOS 5 years ago and I barely used to get three periods in a year.
I have been referred to St Marys Hospital in Manchester, and I have had several clomid. cycles:
1st cycle 50 mg : no ovulation
2nd cycle 100 mg: ovulation on scan but no BFP, resulted in AF
3rd cycle 100 mg: no ovulation, no BFP, no AF, blood HCG. negative 2 weeks late
4th cycle 100 mg: due AF on 2nd April, I use clearablue smiley kit for ovulation, I have been getting flashing smileys from day 14 to now day. 29. I really don't know. what this means... any ideas?? No solid smiley

Lastly, I had a recent appointment with the doctors to discuss options, they have asked me to choose from the following:

1) HCG trigger shots - 20 to 30% success rate
2) Ovulation drilling - 20 to 30% success rate
3) Straight to IVF - but she said my blood levels are high and I am at a huge risk for hyper stimulation. She also said if I go for IVF and it doesn't work, I can't try trigger shots or drilling. Then I will have to pay for private IVF if it fails the first time

I really want to know peoples experiences, good and bad. Please help me make my decision I am. super confused. :x:x:x:x

Its been a series of heartbreaks, I have spent loads on ovulation kits and pregnancy tests, people around me are getting pregnant left right and centre... and here I am....
Aww honey. Sorry I don't have any advice or experience here, but didn't want to read and run.
Sending you hugs xx
Oh hunni, I’m so sorry you are having such a rough time I have two sisters with pcos, one doesn’t have periods at all just breakthrough bleeding occasionally, anyway I just wanted you to know, one has three kids, 2 ivf and 1 natural and the other has 1 through ivf. I just wanted to show you all hope is not lost and hopefully it will happen for you too one day!

I’m sure someone on here will have some advice for you though
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this.

I can't relate to PCOS but it took us a long time to get our BFP so I can relate to the struggle, investigations, spending cash on what seems like a totally lost cause and the heartbreak in general.

We ended up in the unexplained category so it would have been straight to IVF for us, nothing in between. Personally, I always considered IVF as the last resort and from a lot of what I read, the doctors do too (ie they won't try anything else once that's failed as you've already been told). Also, it's important to consider the financial implications - could you potentially fund another cycle or not if it was needed?

I don't know enough about the other 2 options but I think I would likely choose from those prior to IVF. Can you try one and then the other or is it one or the other? Might be worth asking.

Unfortunately, I have no good advice for dealing with everyone around you getting pregnant right, left and centre as I always dealt with it badly. I think the best I came up with make plans to look forward to so you enjoy time with OH. Don't put life on hold. As you're going through treatment set small goals. I found it made the whole thing a bit less overwhelming and helped me feel like I was making progress. Also, keep talking to OH. Men don't tend to be affected in the same way as women but of course they are an important part of the journey too. It's important for both of you that you feel like you're in it together.

Good luck!!
If you try the other routes first then can you still do the IVF if they don't work out? If this is the case then I would be inclined to try those first, esp of over stimulation with IVF is a risk factor
It's so hard when everyone seems to be getting pregnant. A friend of mine had 2 in the time we were trying and she fell so easily. It was a difficult time for sure x
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Didn’t want to read and run and just wanted to offer hugs. We have unexplained secondary infertility, I’ve also been recommended IVF but am at a higher risk of blood clots so I am struggling to know what to do.

As some encouragement for you, I know someone with PCOS who has two children, both naturally conceived, so there is hope! Xx

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