Different subject sorry - has anyone got a MySpace page?

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I used to drink Lambrini and hang around in the street but we didn't call it wannabe emo, we called it student!!!!!

Hate the tag wannabe sorry, I just feel that it makes people sound like they view themselves as being better then others if you know what I mean. I have been labelled a wannabe by this guy who thought that I knew nothing about Nine Inch Nails as I hadn't been there from the start whereas he was obviously there when Trent Rezner was concieved (arse). Who is anyone to say what someone is??? Just a thought???
I'm drinking lambrini at the moment lol. I must be old, when i was knocking around in the streets i'd never heard of lambrini. I was drinking white lightning cider!

I haven't got a clue what an emo is (even after reading the links on them). I scored a six though so i'm not some one who is an emo pretending not to be an emo lol.

In our area we call rockers greebos too!
Its just everyones thinking that i'm labelling them emos on here cos they fit a couple of things i mention but it has to be the whole package its the people who will be a chav one minute then suddenly be an emo n change whatever is the in thing the people on here i see as older more mature appreciating the music etc,
this thread just confusses me :doh:...

im cool with just being called a towny then 8)
where i come from a townie is a chav lol i dont think ur a chav dionne u kinda just remind me of a trendy normal lady lol maybe could imagine you like to shop in topshop miss selfridge etc?
yep topshopsmy fav, no im not a tracky burberry type girl
nah you didnt look it lol from ur piccy theres actually nice fashionable earrings rather than cheap tin.. hehe
i got in a fight once with a chavvy and broke her chavvy tin earrings lol
I think that perhaps we should stop the putting down of different people. I personally hate chav jokes, I just think that no matter what people wear we shouldn't judge them til we know them. I am related to someone who is classed as a chav but she is a great person and whilst her earrings may be cheap, she has a heart of gold. Becks your messages confuse me, you seem to be very against the pigeon-holing of people yet seem to look down on what you label; wannabe's and chavs. I think that is why people have taken offence top your posts.
ok sorry :angel:

ild hate to think i offened anyone x
i'm just stating some facts i dont dislike all chavs just the majority cos they are mostly **** (excuse my french) round my way but i know some that are well "safe", i dont dislike anyone untill i know them
becks-334 said:
i'm just stating some facts i dont dislike all chavs just the majority cos they are mostly ****s (excuse my french)

ewwww i hate that word!
I learnt to love it, If you could only imagine what i have to go through with chavs thinking they own the place and that their well hard and stuff grrr i want to kill them
right, i have had enough of this!

Beck, if you insit on labeling people then i think you need to go look up the term "emo" and look at yourself.

Townies and Chavs are two diffrent things, not the same.

but like beanie said, no matter what label people are given, they are still a person!

and the fact that you just used the C word shows me that you are not mature enough to be talking about this subject!!

Im now locking this thread, if anything doesnt agree then please PM me, im sorry if this has upset anyone, its got way out of hand

becks-334 said:
I learnt to love it, If you could only imagine what i have to go through with chavs thinking they own the place and that their well hard and stuff grrr i want to kill them


Go for it Layla :clap:
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