Did your recurrent mc follow the same pattern?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2013
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Hi ladies,
I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there who has had rmc that follow a certain pattern and what treatments have you had?
I've had one natural miscarriage which, devastating as it was, I can see as a pregnancy that wasn't viable. But I've now had 3mmc that have all followed the same pattern. I get pregnant quite easily, develop all normal early symptoms, find the heartbeat at 6-7weeks and then the baby stops between 7+6 and 9+5 weeks, with my symptoms lessening off but my body not recognising the baby has stopped developing.
I've had clotting and karotyping testing done, all negative. I took baby aspirin and double folic acid this pregnancy, same result. I just don't know which direction to go in- is it worth asking for progesterone checks, do I just pay for private killer cells testing? I'm even thinking of starting adoption process as it feels as if the routes to having a successful pregnancy are getting less and less.
Has anyone been through something similar and managed to get to become a mummy?
So sorry that you are going through this.

It is far too common, the stat on Tommys website is that 1 in a 100 women suffer from recurrent miscarriage (3 or more losses in a row)

Mine all followed a pattern... Get pregnant easily, spotting then natural loss. Never went beyond 8w 1d and never saw a HB.

Although my first pregnancy it took 20 days from spotting to miscarriage and I had about 6 scans.

I never got to 6 weeks without any kind of bleed.

We had all the testing and came back as unexplained.

Have you been scanned to check your womb? I was told if I had a 4th loss I could request a hysteroscopy.

I was tested for: Karyotype (me and OH were tested), thyroid function and had my hormones profiled (so 21 day bloods etc..), my thrombophilia and antiphospholid screening was normal.

All I did differently with my successful pregnancy was take high dose folic acid.

I would go back to your consultant if you can?

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Mine were all different but I have just had my results last week. All normal. The consultant said not to take aspirin and I asked him about progesterone testing and he said the only time that would be tested is for ovulation and then again when pregnant if there was concerns about ectopic...there may be other doctors who would say otherwise though.
Its so hard going through all of this, the unknown is very scary. I am worried about my next pregnancy. You could have the tests for NK cells but there was a thread on here recently saying that the blood test for that may not be accurate so worth a bit of research I think x
Role of Progesterone In threatened and recurrent miscarriage
www.gynaefertility.com/.../uploads/2013/08/Progesterone-sup… ·
Thanks ladies. I am being referred back to the consultant but, as I'm sure you've heard from these forums, different consultants seem to have entirely different ideas about possible courses of treatment for recurrent miscarriage. I'm determined to go to my next appointment backed up with as much informations I can find. The link above is to a PowerPoint - v technical and scientific, but the second to last slide recommends that progesterone is given as a supplement to women in our position. There's been another study which showed that prednisalone, aspirin and progesterone given in combination led to 40 of 52 women giving birth. Only 18 of the 52 in the control group had the same success. There are so few of us suffering this that research is difficult to fund, so treatment is ad hoc and based on the consultants personal knowledge/opinions. I'll be sat in front of my consultant with my kindle to ask lots of questions!
Good luck with your next pregnancy lisey, and I'm so glad you've been finally successful carnat- it gives me hope.
The link doesn't work for me but I do know lots of women get given progesterone. There was a recent trial called the PROMISE trial where some women were given real progesterone and some not etc My consultant said the results will be in around October I think. I know some doctors will prescribe it anyway. I would like to be given it.
There is such differing views from the consultants isn't there, its hard to know what to do. I am going to follow the guidance of my consultant as I have researched him, his experience and areas of research and interest etc and I am confident he knows what he's talking about.
Good luck with your next appointment, I hope they can offer you some answers and reassurance xx
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Thanks lisey. Really glad you've got a consultant you have confidence in. I saw a locum registrar last time and he was really dismissive, which is probably why I'm trying to get as much info as possible before going back. Wishing you massive amounts of luck- let's hope we have our success stories soon.
I don't blame you for wanting to speak to them again. I can't believe he would be so dismissive, how horrible and unprofessional. I truly hope we get our happy endings soon x
Both my m/c have happened on the same cycle day at 5 weeks ish which I'm just being told is unlucky. I personally feel like my luteal phase is short which is sometimes a sign of low progesterone and if I had low progesterone obviously that can cause m/c. I told my doctor that and she said I was over thinking everything and that progesterone is only checked to see if you ovulate. Except I know that in America the guidelines are to give anyone who has had 2 in a row progesterone. Basically when I saw my doctor she referred me to a counsellor to try to stop me reading into things and said that third time I should be fine and if I wasn't then I could start demanding tests. Feel like they are too dismissive and that I'm basically just waiting for another BFP so I can see if go wrong and only then get help which is really frustrating and depressing and makes me angry with them! X
I'm in the same boat. I had three in a row and one or two chemicals. Basically they have been varied, but there are similarities. The first one I don't know when it stopped growing but comparing it to the second (both 11 weeks) it was WAY easier physically which makes me think it was about six weeks. I know that the second one died at 9-10 weeks, discovered at 11. That one was tough physically. This last time, I had a scan at 7wks but no HB and measured 6. My body held on so I opted for a D&C. I have no doubt it would have gone to 11 weeks again and been exactly like the first.
I had already had all the tests but I referred myself to a specialist unit and they think there is no pattern. I've had every test under the sun, including the one for the "tablet" study. All normal. I'm 5 ish weeks now and I'm taking progesterone and aspirin. I'm very open minded about this one.
Sometimes I think I'm never going to find out what's going on.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss and I hope you get some answers xxxxxx
I had 4 mc, all seemed different presentations, but ultimately things going wrong at implantation stage. On my 5th pregnancy I had fragmin injections, took progesterone suppositories, aspirin, vit d and steroids, so basically the lot. My consultant was very supportive of the approach of trying everything. Turns out my clotting was abnormal, when a haematologist looked at the results rather than a gyny dr! My little miracle is 3 months old now.

I got told so many times that when the problem is mc rather than ttc, your chances of being a mummy eventually are still very high. I was looking at adoption too a year ago, don't give up. Its so hard though, and I hope your life changing bfp is around the corner. x
Thank you so much ladies. Flisstebbs, I remember reading a thread you posted just before your little one was born- I think of it (and your story) often as it gives me lots of hope.
Lozzate, you sent me a lovely message in November with no3, I'm so so happy that you have another chance- I will be keeping everything crossed for you, keep me posted.
Rose83, I absolutely know where you are coming from. I have a sympathetic gp, so I'm hoping that if the next appt is as soul destroying as the last, he will support me and refer me to liverpool women's or leeds for a second opinion. Is there any chance of that for you?
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Thanks Hopeful, afraid not, I've seen three different GPs at my practice and they are very firm that I have to have a third one before they will refer me further. They just try to convince me I'm not the 1% that will have a 3rd one but I'm really no sure if they are right. OH is totally on board with trying really hard this month so maybe I will have my answer soon. Glad to hear your GP is better xx
I did have to have 3 before being referred for testing unfortunately. But he was so annoyed at how hard it was for me to get a scan to diagnose number 4, I'm hoping he'll come out fighting this time. Good luck- I'm fingers crossed that you're not one of the 1% and your next bfp is a sticky one.
Guys, I did get referred after two and one chemical (chemical as in I got a faint positive and then AF the next day)
I just explained how it had upset me etc. I did that a few times and finally they took pity on me. When it came to my third later miscarriage (the last one at 6-9 weeks) I went to the GP all guns blazing and referred myself to the specialist unit I had read about. I know a lot of areas are different on the NHS but although I had to fight - I did get the tests.
That said, it didn't actually give me
Hopeful75 - thank you. We will see what happens. I'm open minded about it.
What I mean is - apparently you're entitled now to refer yourself for things..
Aaarrgghhh - I hate using this forum on my phone!
It's meant to read: "that said, it didn't actually give me any answers"

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