did your baby cry straight away after the birth?

Number 1 came out crying and weeing all over my belly
Number 2 came out crying and weeing all over my belly as well!

thats just what D did they had to mop my tummy about 3 times..think he was saving it up
Isaac didn't cry, he was very quiet, but then he had just been pulled out with forceps, he really didn't want to leave my uterus, think he was a bit shaken :(
Tia was born with an apgar score of 1. She was blue and not breathing. She was taken away and resuscitated... It must have only taken them a few moments to get her breathing, but my gods... did it feel like forever... :shock: But even when they got her breathing again, she never cried... she just grumbled (story of her life :roll: )... gave me the look of "What did you go and let them do that to me for?"... then grumbled some more. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

They took her off to the scbu to check she was ok, because she had passed meconium, but she was fine... just grumbled a lot about the whole thing...
James didn't cry straight away, he was taken to the table (for suction I think). It couldn't have taken more than 30 seconds for him to cry but it felt live a lifetime, the world stopped until I heard him, then everything was amazing :D
My most recent little girl was a water birth and was really calm when she came out just looked about and looked at me with her big blue eyes was so cute and make a few little cute noises i will never forget.

My little boy was also a water birth and took a little while to breath but they said it's normal for a water birth he was just to chilled out!
Paris didn't until they cleared her throat, then she screamed the place down which was a relief as she wasn't breathing at first
Thea didnt cry but she did have her eyes wide open. She was looking at me while the dr tried to make her cry and i knew she was fine but it was still scary that she was so silent. She had a little bit of oxygen and then started to cry.
charlotte didnt cry till the next day..

i played her lots of music in the womb.. and when i studied psychology afterwards dr brent logan (baby plus syster inventor) says that most babys are born alert and dont cry if they have been played a lot of music in the womb. not sure why.. but anyways charlotte was quiet and just cood she didnt cry at all till the next day when i was gettign her dressed...

edit* and i cried 2nd day after having charlotte.. people (mil) were interfearing.. and then had a row with charls father coz she has to many middle names.. lol..
nay was crying as soon as she came out. she had real tears ans was screaming her head off. :D
DS was taken straight to resusitation table as he came out all blue and not breathing due too long labour.

DD was placed straight on me pink and alert and crying ani couldnt have been happier!!!
I had a c section, and they warned me the baby may not cry, and might need bit of help as it wasnt a natural birth, the mucus sometimes needs to be cleared before baby cries...

I felt her being lifted from me, and heard the most almighty roar, she was SCREAMING her lungs off!!! The doctors and nurses were telling her to be quiet!! :rotfl: I thought it was the sweetest sound I had ever heard though.

COnsidering she was so dainty at birth, she has a good set of lungs on her :lol:
laetitia85 said:
I have heard stories from friends whose babies needed a bit of ressucitation straight after the birth. one of them didn't breathe properly and didn't cry for 10 minutes. it's scary...
i don't want to think negatively and i believe my child will be fine but what are your experiences?
non of my babies cried after bith
hannah didnt cry, but she was 'suckeling' for food!! lmao... the second she was out!! i didnt even know what the hell she was doing with her mouth. bless.
siobhan said:
Number 1 came out crying and weeing all over my belly
Number 2 came out crying and weeing all over my belly as well! :roll:

i am so sorry if you find me rude am not meaning to be in anyway :) :oops: ... but i have to say this made me laugh so much only just got the strengh to write a comment lol aww bless them though
my LO didn't cry, nothing at all wrong with him, he made a little noise then started breathing and just sat quietly eyes wide open taking in the world around him xxx

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