Did you/LO sleep better when they moved room?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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Just wondering if you/LO managed to sleep better when they moved into their own room?

We are having real sleep problems atm and I wonder if it is made worse by the fact I wake up every time she grunts or wriggles?

Thanks! :)
Yes, definately. I think you are more aware of every little noise they make and I'm sure they are responsive to you shuffling around in bed. Especially so when you are sleeping more lightly like early morning. I think Evie was around 6-7months when she went in her own room.

I know if we have to share a room now, if we have visitors or if we go away its like sharing a room with a snuffly hedgehog the way she fidgets and moves around in her sleep :rotfl:

We put Evie in her own room when she was about 2 months old and she's slept through ever since.

When she was in our room she would stir and then I'd be awake and she'd see me and would wake up properly and it was becoming a problem.

Now she's in her own room she stirs and goes straight back to sleep.

We have a camera in there for peace of mind so I can see her and that makes me more comfortable with it too
yeah i did, it didn't effect luke as he slept well but every whimper or snuffle he made i was awake, i definitely slept much better i moved him into his own room when he was 6 weeks old.
as soon as we move or sort out if we arnt moving.. the kids are gonna share the bigger bedroom.. im lookign forward to it.. as im also sturing with him.. and it will be better for me to get up and feed him in the kiddie bedroom and get bk to sleep right away and have better 'quality' of sleep..
Don't know about LO moving out of our room but I did last night at around 4am because LO was thrashing around in his sleep and every small noise or movement wakes me. Went and slept in the spare room and was out for the count. Didn't stir until 7am.

So to answer, yes I slept much better. Still heard him when he woke and wanted feeding :)
My answer is NO!

I would say it's even worse than before. Kenzo moved to his own room about 2 months ago and he wakes up much more than he used to. It's becoming more and more difficult and i'm going to start working again, not too sure what to expect! :(
Yes! We moved Cara into her own room when she was 7 months and she started sleeping from about 8pm till 5am, I couldn't believe it! When she was in with us she was constantly waking up for feeds just because she knew it was there.

She moved to her own room at 4 weeks and we are now almost getting a full night's sleep...

Doesn't seem to make any difference at all. Just further to walk when she wakes up :)

I used to wake with every gurgle, noise she made, it was the best thing we did putting her into her own room but we'd tried changing from the basket to the cot before we finally gave in to putting her in her own room, it worked a little bit but not as good as her own room.

I think she was about 2.5/3 months old.
Holly was 8weeks when wee moved her and 1 week later she was sleeping 12hrs... and eventually I stopped waking i the night too!

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